Chapter 11: Nothing But Chaos

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(A/N: Hey y'all I'm back sorry I've been gone for so long. Please enjoy and if there are typos sorry.)

A Few Days Later
Taraji POV

Today is the day my babies come back from the trip and I'm telling you I missed them so much and I have to wait until 12:00pm to even see them due to our private jet taking all damn day. But the peace and quiet is very calming I still haven't heard anything from Terrence about ole boy Devon I think he's up to something because why is he popping up at my house and how the fuck does know where I stay. I continued to think as I sat back drinking my coffee and as I continued to think a weird memory popped up in my head.
A Few Months Ago
(Taraji and Kelvin on the phone)
T- Kelvin why do we have to keep on having this conversation I keep telling you I don't wanna talk about it.
K- Taraji I just wanna know how you know Devon and why is he trying to send you letters from jail.
T- I don't know he was an ex who was beating on me and when I told him I was pregnant with my first child he beat me so bad that I ended up having a miscarriage. And how do you know he's trying to send me letters I didn't know that he doesn't even have my phone number.
K- Oh because the post office told me when I went up there to see when my ID was going to be delivered that's when the lady told about him.
T- Yeah but I'm sure she didn't tell you his name did you look in the letters Kelvin?
K- Yeah I did and I'm sorry baby I just wanted to be sure he wasn't talking crazy.

Present Day

Now that I remember he was acting real weird on the phone because how should Devon have my address if he couldn't even call from prison unless somebody gave my address to him. I sighed and got up from the couch and made my way to the kitchen where Terrence was making our plates he made some bacon, eggs and grits which looked very delicious might I add and turned around and smiled at me I smiled back and sat down at the table he did as well. We said grace and then began eating "So Penda what's on your mind?" He asked I huffed damn how can he always figure out when something on my mind "I miss the kids and I have an idea about how Devon got my address and the address to Skye's birthday party. Back then when I was dating that price of shit Kelvin he was talking to me on the phone about Devon talking about how he went up to the post office for information about his ID and the representative told him about "lost prison letters from Devon" that shit don't even sound right how the fuck can Devon know where I stay at and send my letters that don't even make to my house and he didn't even have my phone number. And overall I feel like something is finna happen I just don't know what maybe I'm just tripping." I confessed he just listened and nodded in agreement "You know I was feeling the same way I mean of course I mean them big headed ass kids of ours. But that thing about Devon I fully understand cause I'm feeling the same way that's why I had my buddy from back in the day look into his past don't worry Penda everything is going to be okay. Let's just take this one day at a time Mira and Kelvin go on trial next week. And then new hours will be ready in a couple of days. Just please try to stay calm ok I'll be right here with you the whole time okay." He said softly I nodded "Okay thanks for listening baby." I said giving him a kiss he smiled and said no problem.

After we finished we went in the living to watch a movie while we waited on the kids to get back. About 45 minutes later they showed up Skye and Nova were arguing with Marcel about something I heard them all the way outside I also heard Tracie laughing she must have Been the one to pick them up from the airstrip they unlocked the door with their while still arguing they saw us and stopped and ran to us hugging us "Hey Mommy hey dad I missed y'all." Skye said smiling "We missed you too bean." Terrence said Cel and nova then gave us hugs "Hey Ma Hey Pops." He said "Hey son what was y'all arguing about?" Terrence asked cel looked away and huffed I looked at him I knew that look "Did you pour water in them while they were sleep." I asked he stayed quiet "Yes he did." She and nova said at the same time he smacked his lips and sat down "Cel why you keep doing that?" I asked him he shrugged "Did you apologize?" Terrence asked he nodded we looked at Skye to see if it was true "Yeah he apologized mommy he said we could get hour lick back to." She said smiling he huffed I smiled "Alright yeah whatever so Taraji how did y'all enjoy the time alone." Tracie asked we nodded and sat down with everyone else "Did that guy pop up again mommy?" Skye asked I nodded "Yeah like a couple hours after y'all left your father made him leave though." I said "Oh ok good did y'all find out how he know where we stay at?" She asked I shook my head "You know the whole fight here I was thinking about something that guy Devon is there a chance he might know Kelvin?" She said "We were just thinking about that what you thinking bean?" Terrence asked her she sighed "That day Kelvin put his hands on me like right before I called and as I was locking my bathroom door I kept hearing him mumbling saying she broke up with me I can't tell Devon he kept saying that over and over for like 3 times after that I called you." She confessed I looked at Terrence in shook I fucking knew it. Terrence sighed "It's going to be okay bean I have a guy looking in on it and our new home will be ready in a few days so we were going to be alright okay bean." He said trying to ease her nerves she visibly calm down and nodded "Okay well in that case can we watch a movie?" She asked we all nodded and put a movie on. I hope I'm not worrying for nothing.

A Week Later

Today is the day and I am very nervous I mean I guess this is what I've been so nervous about I mean I'm still bothered by Devin but I'm just ready to get this bullshit out of the way and then I can focus on getting Devon together. I am very relieved that we moved the new house is so big and beautiful I was so busy in thinking about the house that I didn't even notice the jury coming back in the delivery their verdict. I'm not really nervous about Kelvin the jury finding Kelvin guilty I'm more nervous about Mira I remember Terrence telling me she has connections everywhere "Has the jury reached a verdict?" Judge Brown asked "Yes we find the defendant guilty of on counts." The juror said "Okay I sentence the defendant to life in prison no chance of parole." The judge announced I sighed in relief one down one to go. About ten minutes went by and they brought in Mira and then a little while after that the other set of jury came in and I have to say they were mostly men and one women I thought to myself did she sleep with these people "Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asked the juror stood "We find the defendant not guilty on three counts of murder and attempted murder and guilty on providing false identification to and court room." The juror said and I was just trying so Shardae to not yell or jump over at this bitch she had to pay these people off or she know them from somewhere "I sentence the defendant to 5 months in prison court is a adjourned." The judge said banging his gavel. We got up and walked out and we made it to our car "That's some bullshit baby I mean I knew she had connections but damn and ain't think they was air tight like that." He said starting up the car and pulling off "I know she must have knew the judge to come to think of it didn't you say her parents were rich?" I asked he hummed "Yeah they were she told me that but according to her they're overseas somewhere and don't want anything to do with her but knowing her lying ass their most likely living here and they are in hiding ." He said I huffed "Of course I just hope she ain't going to try nothing stupid." I said "Yeah I hope she don't either." He agreed and we just continued talking about this fucked up as trail when Terrence phone rang he grabbed it and out it on speaker "Whatcha got for me Neil?" He asked "I have a lot first off Mira mom and dad are staying here in a cabin on the outskirts of town apparently they know the judge and the juror they all go to the same church together and Mira's mom is friends with the on women juror and the male jurors not only slept with Mira but they work for her dad as his under cover mercenaries they paid them each 500,000 to come up with that verdict they also made a deal with Kelvin to try to get him out on a lesser sentence if he took the fall. I've sent you the Mira parents address to your email. And as for Devon him and Kelvin grew up in a foster home together since the age of 4 up until Kelvin got adopted and 15 and split but they still kept in touch with each other. I did some digging and whirl Kelvin was in jail he made 7 phone to Devon and the night after he hit you're daughter he sent an email to Devon stating that you were with Terrence and he tried to break you to apart in which Devon responded and told him not to worry about it and thanks for watched Taraji basically indicating that Kelvin was only dating Taraji for Devon to make sure she didn't date you Terrence. Oh and the day of Skye's birthday Kelvin send Devon your addresses, phone number, and the address to the hall." He informed we just sat there listing as he gave us more details. After being on the phone with him for about 15 more minutes Terrence hung up.

He looked at me "So where to Penda?" He asked I sighed "I say let's go to Mira's parents house." I said he nodded and out they're address into the gps. I'm so tired of this I'm just ready to get the whole truth they have to have been doing this for a while considering Mira track record.


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Love, Dae Dae

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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