-Chapter 17-

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-Naruto's POV-

Here we were, riding horses in the middle of the night. I should have know that something was wrong when Pervy-sage told me that he had to stop training early for a mission. Honestly, I feel like this is all my fault. I can't falter now though, I know what I must do. 

Even though I accepted Sasuke's apology, I just feel kind of awkward around him. One minute I'm mad at him for lying to me for so long, and the next my face feels like a furnace. I'm so stressed mentally. I don't know what I want right now, love or hatred. All the control I used to have is slipping through my fingers by the minute. 

I can tell Sasuke is a bit on edge too. His eyebrows are furrowed and he looks deep in thought. Sometimes I wonder what is going on in his head. I think we both know that things will never be same between us. But what is it going to be, good or bad? I can't help but wonder what is next for us. 


The forest was like a maze, the Akatsuki knew how to pick a hideout that's for sure. We zipped around for what seemed like forever. But soon enough we reached a dark cave that was the hideout. Sasuke called all the soldiers down and I got off my horse.

"Where are you going?" Sasuke whispered.

"I'm going in, I told you this before we left!" I whisper-shouted.

He facepalmed and said "This is a trap Naruto, they want you!"

"Even if they do, it's no man left behind and I'm going in!" I replied.

Sasuke took a deep sigh and got off his horse too.

"Fine, but you're staying with me. Take my hand, I know how you are." Sasuke complied.

"Um... Okay." I say a little flustered.

I reluctantly take his hand. I feel my face starting to heat up again but I force it down. He's only doing it to make sure I don't run off but it feels like more to me. 

We start walking in, Sasuke taking the lead. We keep going forward until we reach a split in the path. We split in half, Sasuke and I going to the left path. Our footsteps echo throughout this cave. It's too quiet, something is wrong. From behind us I hear something and whip my head over.

I'm shocked to see that all of our soldiers are knocked out cold. Standing on top of them was Itachi.

"Little brother, Naruto, you shouldn't have come here." Itachi states.

Hearing Itachi's voice, Sasuke angrily turns over. He puts himself in front of me, protecting me.

"Itachi," Sasuke says hatefully, "What are you doing here?"

"Helping, now that you two are here. I told you not to come Naruto, they are after you." Itachi scolded.

Sasuke looks at me with shock and betrayal. 

"You've been talking to him? After what he did to me, to you?!" Sasuke yelled.

"Sasuke, it's not what you think it is!" I say frantically.

"Oh really? You make me feel all bad for keeping secrets but you are the real secret keeper! How long has this been going on?" Sasuke asks angrily.

Itachi breaks us up and looks at Sasuke.

"He has to talk to me, he's just following my last order, so don't get mad at him. Get mad at me." Itachi defends.

Sasuke looks at Itachi with frustration and turns to look at me.

"This still doesn't make any sense to me. Why would you betray me like this Naruto? Why did you do it Itachi? I don't understa-" Sasuke tries to say.

Sasuke is cut off by Itachi covering his mouth. Someone was coming and we needed to be dead silent. Once it seemed safe, he uncovered our mouths.

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