-Chapter 6-

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Naruto's POV

The carriage was pulling up to the castle and the king was being greeted by all the villagers. But when they saw me they gave me a dirty look. I shrugged it off as always. I already knew why they did that.

I noticed how off the king has been lately. Hes acting more.. cold. He seems stressed, so I know he will be back to normal soon.


Once we made it back to the kingdom, I noticed something a little annoying. It was Queen Sakura waiting for the king.

I could tell right away that the king was annoyed. The way his eye twitched showed it.

Shortly after we got out of the carriage, Queen Sakura ran towards the king. On her way she pushed me to the side, almost making me fall in a puddle.

She hugged the kings arm and fluttered her eyelashes, in a poor excuse of trying to seduce him. The king looked to the side, not intrested.

"Your highness, we have work to be done. Can you please let go of the king's arm?" I said as nice as possible to Queen Sakura.

Sakura tsked and looked at me with an annoyed look. She then began to think and I swore I saw something twinkle in her eyes.

"Only if you let me stay with my Sasuke." She replied.

I nodded and she let go. She was clearly looking for a chance with the king from this.

Us three made it inside of the castle. The servants stopped and bowed for the king and queen.

"Excuse me, Kiba." I said politely.

Kiba looked up at me and smiled. He stood up and bowed to me for some reason. I looked at him confused.

"Yes Naruto?" He replied.

"I need you to go into the office and arrange three chairs for King Sasuke, Queen Sakura, and I." I demanded, in a nice way of course.

"Of course." Kiba said and wandered off.

I made it back to the king and queen, then began to escort them to the office.


Many halls and staircases later, we made it to the office. Once inside, I saw three chairs.

Somehow, I ended up on one end, the king in the middle, and Queen Sakura on the other end.

The paperwork almost piled up to the ceiling. We began to work, well King Sasuke and I. Sakura just eyed Sasuke the whole time, possibly raping him in her mind.

It was just regular demands and offers from other countries or from villages, like Sakura's kingdom.

To explain it, let's take our country, konohagakure. Inside of konohagakure, there are smaller kingdoms.

King Sasuke, runs the whole country of konohagakure. But Queen Sakura only runs one of those smaller kingdoms.

Anyway, let's just get back to work...


It's been a few hours and I'm glad to say we're finished with the work. It was already dark out. Queen Sakura had fallen asleep and I swear I do not want to wake the ogre up.

But of course, I have to. Since I know the king won't touch her, I have to.

I tapped her shoulder and she would not wake up. I got close up to her and oh my sweet lord, her breath was atrocious.

"Queen Sakura, you must wake up. You have to leave." I said politely, moving her hair out her face.

But maybe I shouldn't have done that...

Sakura awoken from her sleep as soon as I touched her smooth pink locks. Her face showed terror and disgust.

"Y-you touched my hair!! My hair has been cursed by a monster! N-no, A demon!" Sakura roared in horror, looking at me.

I heard nothing and decided to see if the king was still there. But he wasn't anywhere in sight.

Suddenly, I was hit on the head with a force that I can not describe! I rubbed the spot in pain, trying to sooth it.

"Take me outside. NOW!!" Queen Sakura bellowed.

I of course, did as told. It was my job after all.

I led her outside where the carriage that was waiting for her was. It took a little while to get down there though, there were many stairs to go down.

Once down, I felt an impact on my back. I fell into a puddle, In fact the same puddle Queen Sakura tried to push me in earlier.

My clothes were sullied in mud and I got a face full of dirt. My hands had small scratches and my knees hurt from the fall.

I heard laughing. I turned towards it, no longer kneeling down. Instead, I was sitting.

I finally looked up and saw Queen Sakura laughing like this was the funniest thing she's ever seen in her life.

"This is what demons like you deserve." Queen Sakura snarled, lifting up her foot.

She kicked and stomped on my stomach, surely leaving bruises. I i felt blood trickle down my chin after a while.

I tried to stop her but I did not want to hurt her.

But then I lost it. I felt anger boil in me.

"G-get off of me!" I said, pushing her back.

She staggered back and looked at me in disgust. She then looked in horror.

"D-demon. You better not say anything." She said stepping back.

She ran off and got in the carriage. I've never seen her leave so quick.


I tended to my wounds in the bathroom. It took a while but it was better now then never.

I went to check on the king because you never know what he could be doing. I asked a nearby servant where he was and they told me his location, the throne room.

I went there and saw Sasuke sipping his tea. He turned to me and his face clearly showed confusion and anger.

"Who did this?" Sasuke asked in a demanding tone.

"I just-" I said, only getting cut off.

"Don't lie to me. Who. Did. This?" Sasuke demanded me to tell him.

"I j-just fell.... I was too worried about you to change." I replied.

King Sasuke sighed and shook his head. I think he knew who the cause of this was but didn't want to ask any more questions.

I sat next to him and decided to wait for him to start a conversation. I think he knew this because he did just that.

"Do you remember when we were little?" King Sasuke asked.

I smiled and replied "Yes, of course I do."

From there I started to reminisce...

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