part 2

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Izuku's pov: i wake up to see im being carried away to a place i don't know i say "w-who are y-you" the person said "you dont need to know" and knocked me out. Next time i wake up i see im in a white room with barred windows and a bed and a stuffed animal i play with the stuffed animal until someone walks in and i hide under the bed the person said "my name is kai chisaki but call me master or sir" i said "yes sir"

Inkos pov: i look around for izuku and cant find him i call the police and file a missing person's report and they said they will look. Where is my son?!?!

Kai: get up and follow me (walks away)

Izuku: ok sir (follows him)

Kai: sit in the chair

Izuku: ok (sits in the chair)

Kai: (locks him in the chair and starts experimenting on him)

Izuku: (in pain screaming and crying)

Kai: (stops and unlocks the chair and grabs him and throws him in the room)

Izuku: (still crying)

Time skip to when he is 16

Izukus pov: i have been here for 12 years and 2 years ago kai brought a little girl named eri she is six years old we became family, she calls me brother and i call her sis or sister or eri. Kai has been experimenting on us everyday but today that changes when i help eri escape and tell her to look for heros and say that she needs help and have them follow her here. Soon enough i hear alarms and i hear heros and fighting so i help the heros out using my water powers and turning the water to stone like material and hit kai in the stomach with it they take us to the hospital and we meet eraserhead

Eraserhead: how long have you guys been there

Izuku: 12 years for me 2 for eri

Eraserhead: would you like me too adopt you 2

Izuku:yes pls but before you do can you help me find a woman named inko midoriya

Eraserhead: sure

To be continued 347 words

merman experiment izukuWhere stories live. Discover now