The Party part1

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Cam's POV

-Hey Caitlin!-I hear Matt say

Wait what the hell?Whas is he trying to do?Ok Cam calm down you don't know what he wants maybe it's nothing

-Yeah?Oh hey Matthew-She says blushing,hey....why is she blushing?!

-hm....well there's this,me and nash are doing at Nahs's do you wanna come to?

The Hell?!?! Is he asking her out?Oh dear matthew you're soooo dead budy

Andrea's POV

-Well Andrea me and the guys are doing to a party tonight at my house do you wanna come?

Is he...asking me to a...p-p-party?


-Yeah sure!-i say blushing and hiding in my hoodie

-Great,here write your number in this paper,i'll send you my adress!


I feel my phone vibrating....oh it's Nash's it is one block away from my house!

-Well see you tonigh!-He says leaving the classroom as soon as the bell rings

~~~~~School Day Ends--Friday~~~~

-Oh my god you won«t believe what happened to me!-Caitlin and I say in unisound-What?

-hahaha,say it Andrea

-Well i got invited to Nash's party tonight!

-really?!Me too!-She says jumping like she just saw a spider

-Well I guess we have to go get ready as it is 6pm and i guess the party will start at 8pm

Me and Cai get to my car and we get to my house so we can get ready and as her room is right in the next  window(literally) we can go at eachother's house as a blink of an eye


Matt's POV

-what the hell did you do?1 i was going to invite her to the party!-Cam says screaming at me 

-Well i had to grow up and ask her or else i would continue to be the stupid little bookworm and unusefull of the group

-Matt is that the way you think you are to us?I agree you have to be more confident but you're important to me and Nash still you didn't had to steal my girl!

-Well she ain't  your girl and still is nobody's girl!i just invited her to the party so chill!

-guys they're here-Nash says opening his bedroom door and as soon as he does we hesr the music blasting almoust getting me cover my years in pain

-Ok bro!But turn the music down or else the police will be here in a couple of minutes and then there's no party to anyone!

Andrea's POV

Me and Cai get to the party and Nash,Cam and Matt show us the house and to be honest there's not many people here,only around 30 or so;But still they're all the popular and cool people of our school

~~~Half an hour later~~~~

To be honest this party is good but me and Cai were separated at the beggining when Cam said he wanted to get to know her,then Matt went to Nash Parent's room, that have left on a buisness trip for 2 weeks, to read,and well...Nash...well i don't know where he is

I enter the kitched to get a glass of water and i see...Nash...he's kissing another girl...of course!He is single he gets to kiss whoever he wants!

I notice that i'm cryinh but i don't know why!.....Well don't be silly of courese you know why!You like him...since 7th grade!

-Well sorry for this-I say when i see that nash is looking at me red as a tomato,then i leave running searching for the closest bedroom wich awkwardly is Nash's

-No!Andrea wait!-I hear him say behind me

-She's just a worthless bitch!Are you really going to trade me for her?

And then i just close the door,locking it

I hear someone knoking

-Andrea please open the door-It's Nash

-Please Nash go away,I don't want to ruin your hookup

-Please Andrea she's just...Well i...i used her to...forget you

I then hear years must be tricking me...he just said that?

-w-w-what?-I say afraid that what i heard was just a makeup of my brain

-is true...i've been crushing on you since 9th grade and i never forgot you,I've been hooking up with alot of girls to forget you and it worked for a few month but the feeling suddently got stronger and stronger...i'm not palying you so please open the door

I then ut my hand on the cold locker and open the door



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2015 ⏰

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