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Thin Walls Apartment AU

Basicly them being oblivious idiots and people thinking the relationship was toxic. This is from another old movie.


First year of college, three days before it starts, Timmy Turner(20) moved into an apartment complex near the school after being chased out by his parents who wanted to explore the world without having to pay house bills. Timmy ended up having as a waiter at a night club but what he didn't know is that he might have set his fate with 21 year old Jimmy Neutron.

Timmy moves his furniture around making really loud noises. This annoyed the next door genius. "Argh! Who is this loud in 8 in the morning!" The genius groan waking up. "HEY, NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR!! CAN'T YOU BE MORE QUIET?!" He yelled hitting the wall next to him, Timmy's room wall. Timmy stops and yell, "HEY, NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR!! IT'S NOT YOUR PROBLEM IF I AM MAKING NOISE! IT'S MY HOUSE AND I PAY FOR IT!!".

"OH, YOU PAY FOR IT?! YOU THINK I LIVE HERE FOR FREE?!" Jimmy yelled. "WHO CARES?!" Timmy yelled from next door. "SHUT UP YOU" The angry man yelled. "YOU SHUT UP!" Timmy yelled. "Eh, I told him to shut up and he said for me to shut up?" The Neutron mumbled. They both ended up shutting their mouths after being yelled at by another neighbor. That's not the only time they fought but both of them had never saw each others faces before.

One day, Jimmy woke up a earlier than Timmy due to his schedule. He looked at Timmy's side of the wall and smirked. He put on really loud music to annoy Timmy who was sleeping. Timmy groaned in anger by the loud music. "HEY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR! CAN'T YOU SLOW DOWN THE MUSIC?!"  Timmy yelled. "HEY NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR! CAN'T YOU ASK NICELY?!" Jimmy asked.  With an annoyed and exaggerated voice, Timmy answered, "Oh, please my handsome man. If you want to yelled no need for back ground music, my sweetheart but love." He answered.

"Hah! That's what I wanna hear!" Jimmy said before making the music louder. Timmy let out a frustrated scream. He covered up his face with a pillow and let out a high pitched scream. Jimmy feeling satisfied and finished changing, turns out the radio and went out. Timmy seeing it being silent, mumbled. "Maybe, he's already dead." He mumbled out. He looked at his alarm clock before rushing to take a shower.

He ran to his class while running, he rammed into none other than Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy caught him before he fell. The both accidentally made eye contact before standing there like idiots. They both broke eye contact blushing. "Hi, I'm Timmy Turner." Timmy great. "Well, my name is Jimmy Neutron." The boy genius answer. Timmy then realized that he was late to class. "Late to class sorry!" He yelled panicking, running to class. "Where can I meet you?!" Jimmy yelled after him. "Maybe at the tree beside the college at 4?!" Timmy yelled still running. "Sure!" Jimmy yelled.

Months past by they started dating not realizing that they were the next door neighbors that always seems to be fighting. Then, Timmy accidentally came late to their date due to his job. Jimmy sat on his bed thinking he got stood up by Timmy. Meanwhile, Timmy in the other room accidentally made a loud noise. "This next door neighbor can't give me peace. Like, come on. I just got stood up by my boyfriend." Jimmy stood up and knocked on the door. "HEY, NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR OPEN THIS GODDAMN DOOR! I WANNA FIGHT YOU!!" Jimmy yelled slamming at the door.

Timmy opens the door and yelled back, "FIGHT ME IF YOU CAN!" . They both look at each other in shock. "Eh?! Jimmy/Timmy?!" They both yelled in shock. Then, they burst out laughing. "So, the ones who are always fighting was us all along?" Jimmy asked, laughing. "Yeah, looks like it." Timmy answered. They both sat there laughing for a few minutes. A student from the same college peak their head outside. They then realized that Turner and Neutron never realize that they were dating each other. They just thought the neighbors were in a toxic relationship or something. Turns out they were just oblivious idiots

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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