○●□°▪chapter 11/ Infected selves▪°□●○

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Okay I'm so tired right now so yeah....I don't make any sense do I right?

Minitoon P.O.V

Don't worry I'm fine ok kreek. I said to kreek in a gental tone.
I know I was just worried about you Mini... said kreek.
Go to sleep ok kreek. I said. Ok. Kreek replied. When Kreek fell asleep in my arms i laid him down
on the bed. When I did that I checked my phone to see what time it is
3:00am. I got up and went out of the room and went downstairs. I went to the living room and
Sat on the couch. What can I do. I thought to myself.
should I make a piggy chapter for piggy or just lay down and watch tv.
Meh I'll just watch tv.

Kreekcraft P.O.V

When I woke up I looked to my side. Minitoon wasnt there.
I got out of bed and went downstairs to find Minitoon.
When I went downstairs I saw him on his phone. I walked up to him and hugged behind him. Whoa! You scared me
right there kreek. Said Minitoon. Sorry Mini it was funny the
Way I scared you ya know. I said while laughing. Haha very funny
Kreek. Said Minitoon in annoyed tone.
What I mean it was funny right? I said. To you it is. Said Minitoon.

Minitoon P.O.V

When kreek and I talked for like a few minutes.
Hey do you want to adopt timmeh, since the angry dad didn't
want him. Said kreek. I was shocked at what kreek said.
Um... I mean we can but he is at Denko's place. I said.
Ok let's go. Said kreek in a excited tone.
I grabbed my car keys and we both drove to Denko's place
to pick up timmeh.

Kreekcraft P.O.V

While we were driving to Denko's place to pick up timmeh.
I was looking outside of the cars window. While I was
looking outside, I saw someone who looked familiar. IT WAS TIMMEH! MINI STOP THE CAR!? I shouted. Minitoon stopped the
car. I got out of the car and went after timmeh. When
I ran up to him he was crying.

Timmeh P.O.V
I ran away from Denko because I wanted to fwind my dad (the angry dad) I Sat down on the sidewalk waiting for my dad to come.
While I was sitting down on the sidewalk I felt someone
touch shoulder. I turned around. It was kreekcraft! I got up and hugged
him while I was in tears. He buddy what's wrong? And why are you out here all alone?
Kreek asked.
I stayed quit till I saw Minitoon behind Kreekcraft. Let's take him home with us. Said Minitoon. I felt kinda happy at what he said.
Yeah let's go. Said kreek who agreed to what Minitoon
said. Kreek then carried me to the car and got in the back seat
with me. And Minitoon in the driver seat. He started driving
to the house.

Minitoon P.O.V

While I was driving us home. I saw kreek and timmeh fast asleep.
I smiled a little. While I was driving something was telling me
to stop right now. I stopped like in the middle of no where.
It looked like I was in a forest. Mini why did you stop driving?
Kreek asked. I don't know but I think something is here with us.
I said.

Kreekcraft P.O.V

Kwreek what's gwoing on? Timmeh asked.
I don't know Timmeh. I answered. I pulled Timmeh closer
to me protecting him. Minitoon are you ok? I asked.
Yeah I am but there's someone over there in the shadows. He said.
I looked where Minitoon was looking at. He was shocked, so was I. The figure looked like Minitoon, the other looked like me.
Mini we need to get out of here.... now! I yelled. Minitoon tried to
Turn on the car but it didn't work. The person that looked
Minitoon grabbed something from there back and started
walking twords us. HURRY MINI THEIR GETTING CLOSER!? Minitoon kept trying to turn on the car.
But it won't turn on.  FUCKING TURN ON GOD DAMN IT!? Said Minitoon while yelling.
While he wad trying to turn on the car we heard a thud and bumps on the roof at the same time and then
every thing stopped.
I'm going to check out side. Said Minitoon.
In tears also. Timmeh hugged me tight while he was crying. I hugged him back for comfort.
As Minitoon was about to get out of the car something or someone stabbed him.
FUCK! Minitoon shouted. When he closed the door we heard someone walking behind the car.
Timmeh moved closer in my arms hugging me very tight in tears.
Minitoon got in the back seat with us and hugged timmeh.  And we both fell asleep.

Timmeh P.O.V

Kreek and Minitoon are asleep. I was the only one awake. I was scared and terrified in fear.
A few hours had past. I was looking outside the window, and a figure came out of no where in the shadows.
Me and the figure made eye contact. A few minutes had past, the figure had given up.
When it gave up it started walking twords the car. When it stopped at the window I divided to take a closer look. It was kreek! But he's infected. Then when another figure came. It was Minitoon! But he's also infected.
They both smiled at me and left like they disappeared into the distance. I smiled.
I never experienced that before. I thought.
Another few minuted had past. My eyes started becoming heavy.
I leaned back and rested my head on kreek and fell asleep.

Thank you note to all

Btw  I want to say thank you for 802 reads and 17 votes.
I really appreciate it.
I honestly didn't expect to get this many reads since I started in August 19th or 20th before my birthday.
I will make more chapters and make more books as possible in the future.
Y'all made my dream come true and I always dreamed of becoming a writer.
I love you all so much bye guys.

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