Hell Week: Part 2

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Hell Week: Part 2
“This? This is the crack team that’s been pranked and between the lot of you, you can’t figure it out? Rory I’m disappointed, is this a cult, have you been brainwashed? You’re smarter than this,” Paris barked, centre stage in the dorm as everyone else looked on. Most in shock, others in wonder. As in wonder where the psychopath had escaped from. 
“Now I know about Rory's misfortunes and about the chicken incident, but what else am I missing?” Paris uncapped a marker and faced a white board she’d brought and set up. 
“Who’s Rory?” Irish whispered.
“Bambi,” everyone chorused. 
“Huh, Bambi, I like it, it’s fitting. Now tell me which of you have been targeted, how and where,” Paris faced the group with a frown. Rory thought that she’d make a terrifying and brutal but effective general. For the Huns. 
“We, Carly and me that is, were locked in a janitor’s cupboard for three hours in the main administration building,” Adam said, Adam had been Snipe during the trials, he and Carly were both Freshmen members of the LDB. After many talks it seemed, other than Gary, the only ones who had been pranked were the Freshmen and Sophomores. 
“What were you doing in the janitor’s cupboard to be locked in I wonder?” Glenn asked with a smirk. 
“Okay, have any pranks happened away from campus, other than Bambi being pulled by the police, which was in response to a phone call probably placed on campus anyway,” Paris asked, there were glances and shrugs but it seemed not. 
“Bambi?” Rory asked the only person other than her ex at Yale that still called her by her given name, or given nickname anyway. 
“Like I said, it fits,” Paris shrugged again, a sharp smile on her face, she was evidently in her element. “So, it seems there’s someone on campus that you have all collectively pissed off. I need a list of anyone you’ve had a confrontation with at all since being here. On paper, now.” 
Rory picked up a paper and a pen. 
That was it she thought, and she’d already ruled him out. 
The ballerina 
She added thinking back to her freshman year. She was fairly sure that had been over and done with, but it might not have been. She hadn’t reviewed anything else since they’d been back at Yale so it seemed unlikely that someone was getting revenge for that, and why would they target the rest of the LDB if that were the case? 
“I noticed the cameras but what other measures have you put in place?” Paris asked as they all filled their papers. 
“That’s it,” Poppins said, putting his paper back down on the coffee table, she saw his list was a lot longer than hers. Probably full of women and a few guys to boot. Poppins might have always been upfront about his intentions when hooking up with people, but some girls always thought they could change him. And some girls never told him they were already with someone. 
“That’s it? Amateurs!” Paris barked at them all. “You, why aren’t you writing?” Paris snapped at Finn who was sitting next to Rory, by her side as he’d been since last night when she’d... when the worse prank had happened. 
“I haven’t been pranked, didn’t think you’d need a list of my enemies love,” Finn drawled sounding amused. Rory flinched at his use of the word love, she still hated him calling other girls it. Which was stupid and possessive, she knew that, didn’t make her feel any better about it though. 
“Then why are you here wasting my time?” 
“Moral support,” Finn drawled, putting his arm around Rory's shoulder. 
“Oh, so you’re the new boyfriend, Flynn, was it?” Paris asked, looking between Finn and Rory shrewdly. Rory had kept the two apart on purpose. She did not think Paris would appreciate Finn's laid-back approach to pretty much everything and she didn’t think Finn would appreciate Paris, full stop. 
“Finn, nice to meet ya finally,” Finn grinned, making Rory's stomach flip.
“Uh huh, right is everyone done?” Paris went back to her ‘war counsel’. “Alright I’m going to take these home and study them, if any of them crossover I will compile a list and they’re the first ones we’ll go after. Until then, stay in groups, you’ve seen horror movies, don’t be the dumb blonde that goes to see what the noise from the basement was and gets picked off first. Have alarms installed on your doors, on your belongings. Carry your attack whistle with you. Don’t be stupider than you usually are. We’ll meet back here at the same time tomorrow, don’t tell anyone else.” 
Paris picked up the papers, put them in her bag and strode toward the door. Rory admitted that Paris cut an impressive figure. She wondered what the assembled members of the Life and Death Brigade made of her. 
“The doors locked,” Paris said, wiggling the handle. 
“What?” Dan said, standing with a frown and trying the door as well. Then pulling out his key and trying to unlock it. Nothing. 
Rory stood and went to the windows to see if anyone was stood watching. People milled around but nothing out of the ordinary. She pulled the window open; they were large enough for them to get out of and try the door from the other side. 
“No!” Paris yelled at Rory but it was too late. Something was thrown past her face and for a stupid second she thought it was a grenade, until it went off. It was a smoke bomb. 
“Glenn, come on, get out!” Rory yelled, the red head was asthmatic and she didn’t think the smoke would do him any good. 
The group moved aside for Glenn who had his hands over his mouth. 
“Come on everyone, out!” Gary yelled as Glenn climbed out first, the room was gradually filling with smoke. 
Rory started opening the other windows so more people could get out. 
“Honestly, no wonder you guys have been pranked for so long, it’s like taking candy from babies, out of my way!” Paris yelled angrily. Rory just about made her striding across the room and soon she was by the window with the smoke bomb in her hand which she threw out before climbing out after it. 
Rory helped Kat then Irish and Carly out of the window she stood next to, then Nika and Linette. 
“Out you go love,” Finn said from next to her, the guys waiting to get out. 
“Do you think this is a set up to get in here again?” Rory asked, biting her lip. She’d thought as much while she was helping the others. 
“Probably,” Gary said from the smoke, all that was seen of him was a hulking great silhouette.  
“I’ll stay,” Poppins said. 
“I will too,” Gary said, moving closer to the window. 
“I want to stay too,” Finn said.
“Me too,” Rory said, moving out the way so Adam could leave. 
“Not a chance Bambi, get out. Don’t go all female empowerment crap on me either, if they come in here and are caught it might get violent. Now out,” Poppins said firmly, his tone brooking no argument, for most people anyway. 
“No, no way. I’m staying and you can’t make me leave,” Rory protested standing her ground. 
“Yes, this is so difficult,” Gary said from behind her before she was slung over his shoulder and carefully pushed out of the window. Her shouts of ‘put me down!’ echoing round the almost empty room to no avail. She heard Finn laughing along with Poppins. 
“Nika, I’m killing your boyfriend,” Rory grumbled, marching past the girls who were standing watching with matching smirks. 
“Good luck with that,” Nika chuckled, an eyebrow raised as she fell into step with Rory. Kat, Linette, Carly and Irish laughing behind them. Paris was nowhere in sight, not that Rory had expected her to be. 
They walked around to the front door of the dorm, where a crowd of guys were pulling away furniture from the door, furniture that belonged in the other common room. 
“Oh no, if they have touched my underwear, I will Molotov them,” Nika said walking faster and past the guys into her common room that looked bare but otherwise untouched. 
“Care packages are here!” Rory yelled out to the empty common room, boxes across the coffee table. 
Once a month they received the packages, normally all on the same day, though not always. Poppins got one every semester, so Sookie and her mom sent her best friend one too, so he wasn’t left out and so Rory didn’t have to share her cookies. 
Doors around the room opened and people rushed out making Rory giggle. 
It was like Christmas morning with the kids tearing into the packages, faces alight with glee. 
“Are you sure this one’s mine?” Dan asked, holding out a package with his name printed on it that had been torn open. 
“It has your name on it,” Kat pointed out. 
“My mom sends weight loss shakes and diet magazines, these are cookies. Chocolate chip, cookies,” Dan said, showing the contents to the room with a confused face. 
“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth mate,” Poppins shrugged, opening his own box from Rory's mom. “Yes, Luke's tea, score!” 
“Erh, mom was in charge of mine this time,” Kat sighed, her smile dropping as she put the large box back on the table. 
“What did you get?” Charles asked, trying to peer into it. 
“Groceries,” Kat sighed. Her dad when he did the care package sent goodies like everyone else’s parents but also slipped things like cashmere scarfs in and vouchers for the fancy fruit she enjoyed so much. 
“Trade you one of Sookie's cookies for one of yours Dan?” Rory said, an integral part of care package day was the trading of foods. Or sharing depending on how generous their collective parents had been. 
“Sure, help yourself,” Dan pushed over the box as she passed the bag of cookies to him. 
“These are good cookies, did your mom make them?” Rory said, peanut, chocolate chip cookies. They were so good, almost on par with Sookies, which was a huge compliment. 
“She’s never made cookies before, who knows maybe she’s finally gone mad,” Dan chuckled. He loved his mom, they all knew it, but they didn’t see eye to eye, mainly on Dan's weight. He wasn’t as heavy as he’d been the year before, Rory thought that he’d look odd without a few extra pounds. There was nothing wrong with him, in her eyes anyway. 
“I’ll swap you a cookie for a... tin of peaches?” Kat grumbled unhappily.
“Just take one, you’ve given me treats often enough. If it wasn’t for you then I might have wasted away,” Dan chuckled passing around the box. 
“I’ve got to go, I’ve got class in... ten minutes, thanks Dan,” Rory said getting up. She had a full day of classes and the paper after, then she was supposed to be going on a date with Finn, he wouldn’t tell her where he was taking her but he’d told her to dress casually, which could mean anything from a movie to skydiving off a mountain. 
“Take one for your coffee,” Dan offered with a smile. “But I’m taking one of Luke’s donuts.” 
“Help yourself,” Rory smiled, picking up her bag and swinging it over her shoulder, reaching for another cookie at the same time. “See you all later.” 
Finn waited by the coffee cart, he tried to catch Bambi between classes once or twice a week. This week though he’d tried to catch her every day. This whole prank thing was wearing on him. Sure, some of them had been funny, not that he’d admit that to anyone else, the car one was pretty genius. Or he’d think it had been if it wasn’t his girl’s car. But most of them had been causing real problems. His girls’ bras and panties plastered all over the wall for everyone to see and fantasize about? Not cool. He didn’t mind the diary pages too much, it seemed she was as happy in the bedroom as he was. And he was very, very fucking happy there. Pun intended. The sleep deprivation had been killing Bambi too. All in all, it hadn’t been a great week. 
Finn looked round, she was either running late or she had forgone her usual coffee fix. Which could be a sign of the apocalypse. He decided to give her ten more minutes before he left it. 
Finn’s lips twitched as he sipped his coffee thinking about his girl. She was as beautiful as she was witty. She had this good girl innocence about her, until you got to know her and then she had this fire, and love for life, for adventure that meshed with his own joie de vivre. A love for her friends that was both amusing and endearing, she was energetic, fun and toe-curling intensity that just made him crave being around her. Yeah, his girl grew on him day by day, which considering he’d been rather enamoured with her when he first laid eyes on her was saying something. He’s mates might rip him, saying he was whipped, or pussy whipped, whatever, he didn’t give two flying fucks, he was and he didn’t care who knew it. 
“Finn!” He whipped around with a smile on his face to see his girl coming towards him. Whenever he first saw her his stomach did flips, he felt that first rush of attraction, today was no different. She was wearing more conservative clothes today, pants and a high cut top with a jacket over, still she excited him, still he thought she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. And today, her smile stretched wider than it ever had... his smile dropped a bit. 
“Finn!” She said again, throwing herself at him and he only just managed to catch her, seeing as her aim was a bit off. 
“Kitten?” Finn asked. 
“Hi, you’re here, I was hoping you would be. I like seeing you. You make me all melty. Like melting chocolate. Chocolate. I could totally eat some chocolate right now,” Bambi said, her voice a long drawl, the giggle at the end of her ramble slightly more manic than he was used to from her. 
“Love... are you high?” Finn asked her as she leant into him heavily, thank god she was a slight thing, despite her eating habits. 
“Nope. Of course not. I don’t do drugs. Just say no,” she giggled again, her limbs slack against him. “I like it when you call me love, makes me all tingly, not so much when you call other girls love. That I don’t like. But I’m not telling you. Because I’m not a clingy girlfriend. Except now. Because my legs aren’t really working, they’re all long and heavy and like... cemented... or something,” Bambi started laughing again. 
Finn couldn’t help but laugh with her, it was infectious. 
“Are you sure you haven’t been smoking something?” Finn asked her, still chuckling and holding her up. 
“Nooo... no... I’m a good girl... except when I’m with you,” Bambi laughed again. “We didn’t do drugs though,” she said in a really loud whisper before laughing once more. 
Finn moved his head back to look at her while still holding her up. Her eyes were hooded, a vague grin on her face was interrupted every few minutes by low giggles, the whites of her eyes had a very familiar yellow tint to them. She was high as a kite. 
“Hey love? Did you maybe smoke something and forget?” Finn asked her with a chuckle, she was fucked. 
“Nooo... I don’t smoke... anything... not even a cigarette... I’m so hungry, we should eat. Oh no, I have class and you have drinking to do. Or class. Or planning for the Spring thing but shh...” She leant her head into his and laughed into his chest. 
Finn adjusted his arms holding her up higher and started walking her towards her dorm which was closer than his. She was not going to class like that. 
“It’s hot, isn’t it hot. God I’m so hungry. And my mouth is so dry. Do you know what would be good? Cheeseburgers and whipped cream, not together of course. Though maybe, we should totally try that,” Bambi said and he laughed as she moved her legs as though walking while he held her up. 
“I’ll get right on that Kitten,” Finn chuckled. He felt like he needed a joint to fully appreciate the moment. 
Finn's arms were burning by the time they made it back to her dorm. She might have been light but he had been carrying her for ten minutes straight and she was a deadweight.
“I like living here with all my friends, it’s fun, so much fun,” Bambi smiled that unnaturally wide smile. 
“I’m sure it is Kitten,” Finn laughed as he opened the door for her. 
“I have class, why are we here?” Bambi frowned while still smiling. 
Finn carried Bambi in and set her on the sofa next to a grinning Kat, which was a bit disturbing. 
“I’m totally stoned, which, I haven’t taken anything, so cool,” Kat drawled to Bambi and Finn. 
“Kitten is too,” Finn told Kat, shaking his burning arms out. 
“No way, Bambi, you’re high?” Kat giggled, leaning into her friend. 
Finn frowned, this sounded like it might be another prank, but how? Getting high, well it was something he enjoyed on occasion, but when he chose to. He was now pissed off; someone had somehow drugged the girls. 
He pulled his phone out. 
Life and Death Brigade Group Chat
Adam: How are you feeling today Matthew? Hehe. 
Matty: Like I got pissed enough that I had to ring for a ride and fell out of the car. Marvellous my dear man. Ty for the lift though. 
Finn: Has anyone seen any of the freshmen or sophomore girls? Kat and Bambi have been spiked, they’re both high as kites. 
Nika: I’m fine. 
Carly: Me too.
Irish: Are they okay (I’m fine too) 
Charles: oh no, I mnt magine Bamby stoned. Bet he laughs. Alot. Hehe. 
Boss: Don’t think it’s just the girls. 
Finn: Well, this is an interesting development. Charles dear, where are you?
Charles: lobray 
Logan: I got it man
Colin: Poppins, Dan how are you guys? 
Poppins: I’m on my way back to the flat. I’m fine. 
Poppins: Dan, you good mate?
Jed: Has anyone seen Dan? 
Manbat: He was supposed to meet me for breakfast but he never did, I just thought he’d overslept. 
Poppins: He was fine this morning. We got care packages and... ah, yes. I believe the cookies he was sent were perhaps the delivery method for this particular prank. Kate had one, Charles had one, Dan and Bambi though had a couple each. 
Boss: Any left? 
Colin: Share? 
Manbat: As a prank goes, getting high for free isn’t that bad. Also I’m coming for a cookie. 
Finn: It isn’t bad if you chose it. Bambi's here giggling her head off with legs that aren’t working, Kats cool luckily. But they didn’t decide this. If I hadn’t found Bambi and someone else had? 
Colin: We've got it man, we’ll find who’s doing this. 
Finn put his phone away angrily. He looked for the cookies. Finding three different packs, he didn’t know which ones were the tainted ones so put them all in his bag so that if the girls got the munchies, they didn’t eat anymore of the edibles. 
“I’m just going to see if Dan's in his room ladies,” Finn told the two girls sat giggling to each other. He didn’t think they’d heard him, or particularly cared if they did. 
Finn knocked at Dan’s door, getting no answer he opened it, noting the lack of any alarm. 
“Shit. Dan! Dan!” Finn yelled, rushing to the guy’s side. 
Dan was laid on his bed, his face completely white, lacking any colour at all, a pool of vomit surrounded him. 
Finn put his hand on the man, he was hot and sweaty. “Dan? You okay mate?” Finn asked loudly, looking round for a bucket or a bin. 
“Why is no-one telling me I died?” Dan whispered, his eyes still closed, his skin still the same sickly pallor. 
“You haven’t died mate, you’re just high. Ate too much that’s all,” Finn said, finding a bin that luckily was empty and putting it next to Dan’s bed. 
“That’s not true. I’m dead. I am. I’m dead,” Dan whimpered. 
Finn left Dan to go get him some water. He was going to need help moving the man so he could get off the vomit-soaked sheets. Finn kind of wished he’d gone to class.
“Isn’t my boyfriend so handsome,” Bambi giggled to Kat, watching him as he walked to the kitchenette. “Look, he’s got such a nice ass, look. No, actually don’t look. He’s all mine. I think.” 
Finn chuckled and shook his head as he filled a glass with water. 
“I’m all yours Kitten don’t worry,” Finn said as he walked back, he shot her a wink and watched as she blushed while giggling. At least she didn’t get paranoid while high  
“We should order some food and watch something on TV,” he heard Kat drawl as he went back into Dan’s room. 
“Dan mate, I’ve got you some water,” Finn said.
“Can ghosts drink water?” Dan murmured. 
“Sure mate, you’re not a ghost, but ghosts can drink water, come on up you get,” Finn sighed, wishing he was back in the living room with his girl. Still, he wasn’t leaving Dan on his own while he was having a bad high. Not that there was much he could do other than sit with him and make sure he didn't choke on his vomit. 
Rory let Paris in to the dorm that night, she still had a mild buzz, and she was sure that tomorrow she'd feel really annoyed with it. Tonight though. Well, it was all good. All good. 
Kat, Poppins and Charles were sat on one sofa, happily munching away on the non-tainted cookies, donuts and assorted snacks that had been sent that morning. Finn was in the chair she'd been sharing with him smiling vaguely. Boss was leant against the chair munching on another cookie. Manbat was sat giggling at the TV and Colin was laughing with him. 
"What the hell is going on here? Are… are you high? Is this some Cheech and Chong thing, have you been smoking the devil's lettuce?" Paris barked and Rory giggled. Paris was funny, even when she was shouting. And she shouted loud. She had a loud voice. Loud. Rory giggled again. 
"Oh god, you are, you are high. I was joking about joining a cult yesterday but this isn't you," Paris frowned around the room. 
"Bambi didn't get high on purpose, we were sent hash cookies, but we didn't know," Kat explained around a mouthful of chips. 
"And you all ate some?" Paris asked eyeing the room full of smiling, snickering people. 
"Dan ate a lot, Bambi had two, I ate one and Charles ate one. All by accident," Kat explained, reaching into the bag of chips again. 
"And the rest of you?" Paris looked around the room, she was just met with sniggers. "Of course, well I found out who's pranking you. Not that any one of you would care right now. It's like Snoop visited." 
"D O double G," Poppins said with a crooked grin. 
"I care," Gary insisted from one of the couches.
"You've not been smoking the wacky backy?" Paris asked him. 
"Someone had to be sober, just in case," Gary shrugged with a smile. Rory wondered if he was supposed to be the responsible adult and then laughed. She'd picked him up a lot of times last year in his underwear running from houses. He was not responsible. He might not even be an adult. She giggled again. 
"Fine, there were two people on your lists that crossed over more than three. Tristan and someone called BND," Paris said, looking solely at Gary.
"I didn't put him down. But yes! Him, he was skeezy," Rory agreed, sitting back on Finn's lap and laying back on his chest. He was comfortable. 
"Uh huh. Whatever. BND was hard to track down seeing as I didn't know his real name or anything. But I, of course, managed it. Graham Sullivan, a brother of Psi U. Psi U has a week every year they call Hell Week, where they target other groups and prank them. Normally, as you've seen quite cruelly. Last year it was the chess club, the year before that accapela club, not the Whiffenpuffs before you ask. Here's their details, might be an idea to team up with them," Paris passed over some papers. 
"This club or cult, whatever it is, will carry on being 'pranked' for three more days and on the last day they usually go all out. You've got to strike before then. Which means you've all got to sober up so we can plan. I've got ideas but it depends on how Moral you are, and if you’re not you might want to keep Bambi out of it," Paris said, still addressing Gary who had impressed look on his face. 
"Hey!" Rory complained, she didn't want to be left out. She was the best prankest. Pranker, prankster? Whatever. She was the best, undefeated even. 
"Oh come on, you're not going to be on board with anything causing bodily harm. Or verging on illegal. Or blatantly illegal. You know it. I know it. The guy passed out in the corner knows it," Paris rolled her eyes at Rory before turning back to Gary.
"Your friend is kind of scary love," Finn whispered into her ear with a chuckle. 
"Definitely," Rory nodded. 
"Can we squish BND like a giant bug?" Rory said with another giggle, thinking of stepping on the guy with her new black boots. The ones she's brought with Kat for the Spring Event. 
"Yes, we will Kitten, don't worry," Finn replied, kissing her on the top of her head, his arms loosely around her waist. 

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