Locked Up

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Locked Up

Rory was not happy, she was going to end up missing the last event of the year and with the fourth years at this rate. Her last event with Logan, Seth, Matty, Juliet, Boss, Gary. She was going to miss them so much. And here she was waiting for someone and she was going to be late. She couldn't believe this. 

"Rory Gilmore?" A man's voice rang out sternly and she looked up. He wasn't impressed. Neither was she. "You're being released, come on." 

Rory walked from her cell, out past Marissa and Mary-Ann who were in for prostitution and were not big talkers. Rory had gathered that when she'd tried to talk to them and they'd told her in no uncertain terms that if she didn't stop talking they'd make her. Wisely she'd spent the rest of the time in silence. 

Rory walked out into the waiting room of the police station. Poppins was waiting for her looking concerned. 

"Hey chick, you okay?" He asked softly. 

"Yup, can we go please? I don't want to miss it," she said. 

"Yeah, come on, Gary and Kat are waiting for us in the car. Do you need to get-"

"Nope, it's been impounded. I'll get it tomorrow," she said with a sinking heart. He was going to be so pissed with her. 

"Why did you call me chick?" Poppins asked his arm around her shoulder. 

"Because Finn is busy, it's his last event with Logan, Boss, Lanny and Matty," Rory said half truthfully. "And as my best friend it's your job to come pick me up after I've been arrested, right?" 

"I just always thought I'd be the one by your side if you ever were," Poppins chuckled, leading her to his car that sat just outside the police station. Kat and Gary were hanging out the windows applauding her. 

Rory wasn't in the mood to bow or accept her accolades from her friends. 

"What happened?" Gary asked her as she climbed into the back besides him. 

"It was a misunderstanding that's all," Rory replied before folding her arms and looking out the window. Hopefully he'd get that she didn't want to talk. 

This was Gary though. 

"Come on, you can tell your big brother, best friend and psychotic sister. What happened? There's no charges being pressed so it can't be that bad," Gary said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as Poppins sped towards the event that they were five minutes from being late to. 

"It's bad," Rory said, feeling sick. 

"Cheer up Bambi, he'll only be pissed for a day or two," Poppins said happily, his eyes not leaving the road. 

"Who's going to be pissed?" Gary asked. 

"Finn," Kat told him, looking over her shoulder to do so. 

"Why's Finn going to be pissed at you? Finn never gets pissed at you," Gary said frowning. 

"I couldn't get my car to start, so I borrowed one of his. I may have been doing slightly above the speed limit, got pulled and I got arrested for grand theft auto and not having insurance. So Finn's car got impounded," Rory said, he was going to be so pissed with her. So, so pissed. 

"Which car?" Gary asked hesitantly. 

Rory just looked at him. 

"No!" Kat gasped. 

"Yeah, he's going to be pissed," Gary chuckled. 

"Thank you for your words of comfort," Rory said bitterly. If it had been any other car he'd have laughed it off too. 

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