The Trials of Robert Grimaldi

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The Trials of Robert Grimaldi 

"Robert!" The man in question winced as the girl he'd been sleeping with regularly cornered him outside of the library. 

"Paris, babe," Robert said, turning to look at her. Her eyes were flashing, her hands were on her hips, she looked furious but he could see the hurt under her expression. He bit back another flinch. This was why he didn't do girlfriend's he wasn't any fucking good at it. 

"It's been a week and you haven't called. Is that it? Are you done?" Paris asked him, crossing her arms in front of her. 

"I've been away babe. We went to New Orleans," Robert told her. It had been a messy week away with the Life and Death Brigade. It had been Gary's birthday and he'd wanted to visit the place, having never been before. The slightly worrying thing was how interested in the voodoo Stef and Juliet had been. 

"They don't have phones there? You couldn't have sent a message before you went?" Paris asked angrily. Yeah he was shit at this stuff. 

"I'm sorry," Robert said, it was all he could say. 

"I need you to focus, and tell me what's going on. We've been sleeping together regularly and you haven't told me once what we are. I think I deserve to know that much. Terrance said-" 

Robert struggled to hold back an eye roll at the mention of Terrance. Paris' life coach who Robert personally thought was a massive fraud and dick who took advantage of Paris. 

"So?" Paris asked. 

Robert closed his eyes. He didn't know what to do here. He liked Paris, she was wild. She was ruthless, she was funny, even when she didn't mean to be, she was intense. But he wasn't sure he was ready to commit. Then he remembered the last time he couldn't do that. Kat was now happily with Poppins. All because Robert couldn't take her on a few dates. 

"How about we talk about this over dinner tonight?" Robert suggested. He needed to talk to his friends before this. Maybe they could give him some advice? 

"Dinner?" Paris frowned. "Where?"

"I'll check the Zigat and find somewhere," Robert said. He wouldn't, he'd just ask his friends for a recommendation, but he knew Paris well enough by now to know what to say. 

"Well okay then," Paris nodded, thawing a little. 

"Great, I'll make a booking and send you a message," Robert smiled, kissing her soft cheek and walking away. He needed to sort his shit and quickly, he had a few hours to decide what to do here. 

Robert pulled his phone out. 

 Life and Death Brigade Group Chat

Nika: I need help with this paper. It's driving me crazy. 

Terry: What's the paper?

Nika: Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Terry: Yeah, that's me out. 

Finn: I got you. I can meet you at your place later? Bambi, I'll be round at yours after love. 

Nika: Thanks Finn. 

Boss: Need advice and possibly Tequila. 

Buttercup: We're at the pub man. 

Bambi: OK Aus. Boss, is it about Paris?

Boss: Yes.

Bambi: Want a girls take too?

Boss: Yes

Bambi: I'll meet you at the pub. 

Robert smirked as he put away his phone. Colin, Bambi and Logan should be able to help him think around this mess before he met with Paris. Bambi would probably be able to tell him a nice restaurant that Paris liked too. 

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