Wave Arc

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GET DOWN!!!!!!!!!


All of them got down. Naruto got back up quickly and draw his katana and pointing it to the man who is standing over the huge sword.

Well well well Momochi Zabuza Akuma no Kiri. What do you want? Asked Naruto.

Who are you gaki?

You don't recognized the bingo book entry 599 eh? Asked Naruto

Zabuza suddenly stopped he remembered that entry as the sensō no kami's bingo book entry.

Shit! He cursed his luck he knew he is outmatch.

Naruto then put his katana on its sheat and raise his right hand.

Zangetsu come forth. A giant cleaver appeared.

Oh shit I'm doomed.

Oh and by the way I have three of your associates in each of this scrolls, you want them alive bring it?

Zabuza unleash his ki but to his shocked Naruto isn't affected.

Is that it? Naruto said it in an unamused tone.

Zabuza grit his teeth he is starting to lose his cool and he is mad he made a stance.

So you wish to fight then fine.

Just when zabuza was about to charge at Naruto, Naruto shunpo'd at the back of zabuza and pointed his drawn katana at zabuza's neck.

If I were interested in your bounty you'll be dead by now. Naruto said it in a tone that send shivers down to zabuza's spine even to the members of team seven.

Shit I can't even sense or see him move. Zabuza told himself.

Now answer me zabuza where is gato hiding?

I don't know who gato is gaki. Zabuza turned attempting to cut Naruto in half.

Before the kubikiribocho made contact with naruto.

Bakudo #1 sai

Hmm well aren't you the stupid one eh zabuza?

Now it's time for my fun.

Naruto then began to slash at zabuza. Kakashi attempted to stop Naruto but he was stopped by Renji.

At the end of the slashing a bloodied body of zabuza dropped.

Isane chan can you heal him?

Uhm sure Naruto koi.

After Isane fully healed Zabuza Naruto sealed him in a prisoner scroll.

Tazuna san can I asked where is that pesky midget of a man's base of operations?

In the former daimyo's castle 20 kilometers east of my house.

Okay now let's go to your house then. Naruto said.

As they walk on to the bridge

Team seven are looking at Naruto with mixed feelings obviously two of them have both fear and disgust at what they saw Naruto did to zabuza. Kiba on the other hand knew that killing is part of a ninjas life look at Naruto with respect and a little fear.

Hey Tsunami! I'm home!

Oh father welcome back I was so worried about you. Who is with you?

Oh they are the ninjas assigned to protect me.

Then he whispered the blond one is the one who defeated the ninja sent to kill me.

Thank you very much for protecting my father I'm Tsunami I'm his daughter.

Naruto Uzumaki YamamotoWhere stories live. Discover now