Les distractions ne fonctionnent pas

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She never expected that to happen.

Never thought she would, one day, have to face this situation yet again; a situation she had begged and begged desperately not to be in;
To no avail, it seemed.

Getting what she wanted, never seemed to come true, no matter how many birthday candles she would blow and make a wish upon, or how many shooting stars she would witness and also wish upon; it just never manifested itself as something that would fall graciously into her open arms; But this, this was just too fucking much.

"Are you fucking listening, Azure?" Screeched Alice in her delirious state, having had too many drinks drowned into the endless abyss that she seemed to think her system was.

Azure huffed out a breath, utterly tired of the annoying woman she was faced with. "Yes, I fucking am. Stop screaming right into my ear!" She rolled her eyes and continued, "This is why you have no friends! You're too damn annoying." She let out, no patience in her left to be a somewhat nice person for this night.

Alice recoiled back, shocked by her words but then let out a little, annoying, and high pitched giggle, quickly recovering from the brutal words. "You're so funny!" She then proceeded to shout, yet again, into Azure's eardrums. As if the horrible rap music bellowed out into the room didn't present as a reason enough for the girl to want to drown herself in any body of water she could find.

Sighing, and not wanting to get down the road of angering herself, she proceeded to remove herself from the situation.

"Wait!" Alice took her by the arm in a vice grip. "I told you I wanted some..." She looked around her like a paranoid woman and lowered her voice, "Drugs". The girl had seemed to sober up quite quickly after she had pronounced that word.

The teenager once again sighed before rolling her eyes, shoving her hand into the pocket of her hoodie, and taking out just what the woman had asked of her- MDMA, more commonly known as ecstasy. Azure rolled them into the awaiting hand of Alice who had let her bruising grip fall off of the girl's arm. However, before letting her go, she held onto the fist Alice had made over the white sachet of pills, "Don't take more than one." She ordered her, making the other girl scoff.

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