New Beginning

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Chapter 30

"So how did it go?" Sanna asked Kammy who slumped down on the couch.
Kammy sighed as she looked at her mom.
"Mom, he asked me for a second chance" she stated.
"And did you give him?" Sanna asked her daughter.
"No" Kammy answered in a deadpan voice.

Sanna sat down next to her daughter.
"Why?" She asked with a raised brow.
"He used me mom, going back to him is like rereading a book and expected it to end differently when it has still the same sad ending" Kammy stated.

"Maybe he has changed?" Her mother hopefully added.
Kammy sighed " Change is impossible for someone like him" Kammy implies bitterly.
"Okay...What is it that you want?" Sanna asked her daughter.

"I want someone who is understanding and considerate of how I feel, someone who loves every side of me even the unlovable side of me, someone who can be crazy with me, someone whose ready to have adventures with me, someone who respects whatever I love, someone who would fight the world to be with me" Kammy stated honestly.

"Why would you want someone who would fight the world for you?" Sanna asked.
"Because I would fight the world with be with him" Kammy answered and her mother looked at her.

"Even if it kills you in the end?" Sanna asked.
"Even if I kills me in the  end" Kammy replied.
"Why?" She asked her daughter.
"Cause that's the way I prove my love" Kammy answered.


Sanna looked at her daughter, a lot has changed in her daughter.
She ruffled her daughter's hair.
"Remember don't beat yourself up for something that was out of your control" she stated before she left.

It was another for Namjoon and Jin as they worked in the hybrid centre, lately the younger has been distracted by his thoughts.

Jin harshly put down a container of surgical knives, startling Namjoon.
"Okay, speak up! What's wrong?" Jin asked.
Namjoon faked his laugh" Nothing why?" He stated and Jin scoffed.
"Namjoon, I've known you for almost my whole life! I know when something is wrong, especially when you're too quite for my liking!" Jin added.

Namjoon sighed heavily.
"I just don't feel the same anymore, especially with Kammy. Before there was a fuzzy feeling whenever she did something but now I feel nothing even when hearing her name, it no more makes my cheeks heat up.... I don't know maybe there's something wrong with me" Namjoon stated honestly and Jin chuckled.

Namjoon raised his brow at Jin.
"Oh Namjoon, it's totally normal to get over your crush and you're fine" Jin stated.
"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked.
"Kind of disappointing, I had hopes" Jin whispered.

"What?" Namjoon asked.
"You're fine Joon, it's normal! I mean everyone gets over a crush" Jin stated and Namjoon nodded, a little relieved that he wasn't going mentally insane.


Yuri walked through the door as the bell rang.
"Oh, hey Yuri! You're our first customer!" Yoongi stated as he walked past Yuri with a mop while Dehlia eats a little cupcake.

Yuri walked to the counter where Kammy was waiting.
"Good morning Yuri" she greeted.
"Morning, where's Soobin?" Yuri asked.
"Soobin is gone to New York for his studies" Kammy stated.
"Oh, that's great!" He said with a small smile.

"So do you want a coffee ?" Kammy asked.
"No, how about a hot chocolate?" Yuri asked as he remembered that it was her favourite hot beverage.
"Sure!" Kammy said with a small smile when went on making the beverage.

"Say Yuri, you and Kammy don't spend a lot time together, so why don't you two hang out a bit?" Yoongi stated.
"Umm, don't you two have work at the cafe to do?" Yuri asked.
"Nah, it's the middle of the month so we're hardly even busy during this time" Yoongi stated and Kammy came over with the hot chocolate.

"Here" Kammy stated with a smile.
"Kammy, why don't you and Yuri hang out for a while?" Yoongi implies with a big grin.
"Ummm, may I ask why?" Kammy asked with a raised brow.
"Well, you two haven't been in touch for a long time so it would be nice if you two hang out and catch up" Yoongi stated.

"Yuri, do you want to hang out for a while?" Kammy asked.
"Yep" Yuri answered.


Poor Soobin woke up groggy.
"Good morning Soowin!" His overlay excited roommate greeted him.
"Again it's Soobin, S-o-o-b-i-n" Soobin stated in prefect English.
His roommate shrugged.
"Anyway, Asian names are hard to say" He stated.
"So are English names but here we are, Jake" Soobin bitterly stated.

"Its Jack, not Jake!" Jack stated in defence.
Soobin shrugged making the blonde a bit furious.
Soobin said nothing but went to the bathroom.

"Damn annoying people!" Soobin muttered to himself.

Hosoek, Jimin and Jungkook sir together in silence as they look at each other.
"Where's the rest of them?"  Hoseok asked.
"I don't know" Jimin answered.
"Taehyung is probably busy with (Y/N)  and Everlyn, Namjoon and Jin are mostly busy in the hybrid centre, Yoongi and Kammy are most likely to be busy with the cafe" Jungkook answered.

"Oh, what about their hybrids?" Hoseok asked.
"They take the hybrids to the centre to play with all the other hybrids" Jimin answered.
"So this is why they didn't came when we invited them for a day?" Hoseok answered.
"Yeah" Jimin answered but their sadness didn't last long as Rose, Sephy and Jade came running to them.

"Daddi" the girls screamed in unison.

Two months has past ever since that event with the Min siblings family, you all were still friends with the Min siblings and honestly that event make you all really busy afterwards.
The hybrids totally forgot about what happened and Sanna moved in with her kids.

However as much as this climax is over, there's still few more unturned chapters left that would lead to a new beginning.

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