Two Kitties

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Chapter 34

You woke up feeling so miserable then ever.
You dreaded yourself out of your bed to the bathroom.

You splashed water on your face, hoping to wake yourself up, you looked up at the mirror, you looked terrible.
Dark lines have formed around your eyes, your hair is the definition of a bird's nest, in conclusion you look like a zombie.

You walked downstairs to see Yoongi feeding Dehlia pancakes.
You smiled because it reminded you of Taehyung and Everlyn but soon your smile faded into a frown at the thought.
"Good morning" you greeted with a groggy voice.


Yoongi looked at you with a gummy smile.
"Good morning" he stated.
"(Y/N)!? Why are you up?" Kammy asked in almost a high pitch voice.
"Is there a problem?" You asked almost bitterly.

"Yes, there is, you hardly slept last night so go and back and have a nice sleep!" Kammy stated in a motherly tone.
"Yes mom" you replied before you went back upstairs.

You opened your room door to a sleepy Everlyn.
"Momma" she said as she rubbed her eyes.
"Good morning love" you greeted.
"Momma, whwere awre wie?" She asked.
"We are at uncle Yoongi's house love, go downstairs aunt Kammy will give you something to eat" You stated and the girl nodded before leaving.

You laid on the bed, you really did not know how your mind always flashed back  to Taehyung.

Your heart squeezed against itself as tears started to form around your eyelids.
" Why? Why? Why?" You asked yourself as sobs erupted from you and tears raced from your eyes.

You don't know how you managed to get sleep but soon you were in a void of darkness, breathing calmly.

Yoongi opened your door to check on you, he saw you sound asleep as he entered.
"She's asleep" he whispered as he walked closer.

He stares at you as your hair covers your face, he brushed off the hair from your face and you unconsciously smiled.

He don't know what got him but he leaned forward and placed a kiss on your forehead.
"Sleep tight kitten" he stated before leaving the room.

You woke up hours later and sleepily walked downstairs, not even caring about the time.

You walked into the kitchen that was connected to the lounge, you looked over to see Yoongi and Everlyn cuddled up against each other.

You awed at this.

"Look at those two kitties"

I'm so sorry for the short update! I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter and yes in the upcoming chapters things will not be so angsty I swear.

Thanks so much for the reads, votes and comments it means a lot to me!


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