The Curse *Part 3*

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Beam saw the snake women gone and slowly take his hand off Forth. He look at Forth whose eyes closed tightly and smile.

Beam: P'Forth open your eyes. She is gone.

Forth open his eyes but his hand still wrapped around Beam's waist. Although he is feel relax from the what he had encounter but being close with Beam make his heart beat faster. Forth's eyes matched Beam's eyes and slowly Beam avoid the gaze and move.

Beam: P'Forth.. it would be better we move from here. She might comeback.

Forth immeadiately ask Beam to get in car and drives back home. His parents wonder what Beam still doing there. Forth run to them and begin to tell everything that he encounter. He don't even realise who presence there.

Forth: What is going on Maa? How can she change into snake? I don't see such big snake in life. If Beam not there I don't know what would happen.

"Who is Beam" asked a new voice.

Then only Forth realize there is someone new. He turn and saw his uncle Jay. Forth surprised to see him in his family.

He goes and hug his uncle. It's been sometime he saw his uncle. Jay is a sorcerer who practice black magic. He is interested in magical thing since young so he choose to learn them. He don't use his power to harm the poor ones but at a point he began to see the effect of practicing black powers. He couldn't leave them as it would harm him back so he decided he leaves the family to keep them safe but when danger is on the way he decided to come back.

Forth: Jay... how are you? I miss you so much.

Lek: Forth.. he is your uncle. Give some respect.

Jay: It's okay P'... since young he used to call me like that. By the way who is Beam?

Forth pointed Beam to him. Jay walk towards Beam and ask for his hand. Beam give his hand and Jay closes his eyes. Slowly everyone presence there able to see a wave appear and it pushes Jay. He flew and ended up hit by pillars.

"He is dangerous" shouted Forth's father and the rest just shocked of what they just witness.

"Ask him to go from here Forth" shouted his father again.

"Noo... noo.. he is needed" said Jay and slowly stand up.

Lek: What are you saying Jay?

Jay: I'm practicing black magic where the source of energy will be negative energy. He got uncontrollable amount of positive energy thats why I got attacked. It's not easy to get such amount positive energy. Only monk and saint that sacrifice their life in spiritual way with strictest discipline will have such energy power.

Said Jay making everyone amazed and Jay notice a chain wore by Beam.

Jay: Beam can you show the chain you are wearing.

Beam show the chain to him. Jay's eyes got wider.

Jay: Beam, who gave you this chain.

Beam look at then chain.

Beam: I used to go a temple next to my house and help in cleaning and do what I can do to help them even though I can't give them any money. The monk in the temple wear this for me on Buddha's birthday.

Jay got an idea.

Jay: Where is he now? He can help us.

Beam: I don't know... the next day itself he went missing. Till now nobody knows where he went.

Jay smile understanding the event occurs.

Jay: Ohhh... he gifted something very precious to you Beam. You must be lucky. With that in you neck no evil energy can even get closer to you. Monks when they reach their time they will just reach Buddha by disappear in air. If they want they can gift the meditation power to someone. The monk chooses to give you his power.

"Can Beam give that chain to Forth. It can protect him." Asked Lek looking at Jay

"Maa... its his gift. We can't do this to him." shouted Forth feeling unfair to Beam.

"Its okay P'Forth. If it's going to protect you. Then, I'm happy to give it you" says Beam and about to remove the chain but Jay stop him.

"Why Jay" asked Mrs. Lek

Jay: It won't work P'. It will work till it is in Beam's neck only. The monk gifted to Beam and it only will work for Beam. If you want to protect Forth, just make sure Beam be next to Forth always. By doing so Beam can protect Forth. That's what we can do for now.

Hearing this Forth's eyes begin to shine. He is happy as he don't have to ask Beam go anywhere and keep Beam with him. Mrs.Lek had no choice and ask Beam to help them. Forth smile and bring Beam to his room. On his way he thank his uncle. His uncle smile back. He able to read what's on Forth's mind.

Forth: Beam, after this you going to share this room with me

Beam look around and say "haaa...I can sleep in the couch. It look so comfortable"

Beam begin to jump on the couch. Forth stare at him.

Forth: Don't you notice there is a big bed in the middle of the room.

Beam: That's for you P'.

Forth: We are going to share it.

Beam: But P'.

Forth: What if the woman comes back at night and you are far.

Forth acted like he is in danger again. Beam felt too much for a servant to share bed with the boss.

Beam think for a while and nodded with his pouting lips.

That's first time Forth notice Beam pouting his lips. He couldn't control his heart beat. Forth begin to feel uneasy. He wanted to kiss that lips badly. His mind begin to work like crazy. He just walk in his bathroom and stand under cold shower.

"Forth... behave.. what happen to you? You are going to get married in few days" thought by Forth but it's first time in his life he is feeling something like this but he knows he want Beam.

Forth took his shower and get to the dining room. He saw Beam helping his mother in getting their dinner. Forth just stand from far and look at Beam.

"Forth, my darling..." shouted someone and hug him from back from her voice Forth knows who is that. Forth take her hand from him and walk a step a part.

Forth: What are you doing here Jan?

Jan: Forth... I hope you don't forget that we are going get married in few days

Forth: I remember that, my question is what are you doing here?

Jan: Since we have some kind disturbance. Our elders planned to held the marriage in this house. So all of us here now.

Say Jan pointing at all the family members and relation presence there. Forth smile at them goes to welcome them leaving Jan alone. Jan look at Forth and smirks. Her eyes glow into red. This family can't escape this time. Jan smirk evily but then she began to feel warm. The warmness soon turn into heat. She turn and saw Beam walking towards the dining table near to her.

#To Be Continue

Forth Beam & Tae Tee Short Story 2Where stories live. Discover now