My Tryferós *The End*

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"What the hell"

Said Mew looking at Forth and Beam inside the room when both of them is there with him. Gulf hold Mew's shoulder.

Silveratio look at them. He began to shutter.

Sil: Taeeeee.... Taeeee

Tae: I trust you... why did you do that?

Sil: No... no... I didn't do ...

He try to run but his body is no longer in his control. He couldn't move.

Sil: Please don't do anything to me.

Tae: Why did you do that?

Sil: I'm sorry... I'm really sorry .... We found new medicine to cure any kind illness in children but the government doesn't allow for human testing. We don't know what to do. That's the moment we saw you doing campaign for children welfare. We gather information about you and came to know you and your boyfriend doing free services for poor ones. We think we can use those children as our study material but those medicine doesn't work well for them and they died. We did give money to those children's parents. We try to talk to you but you don't ready to talk to us. You wanted to expose us so we had no choice but to kill you. I try to stop my dad but he didn't listen to me.

Tae: Can money but the children's life?

Sil: Only... only you asking that question. Those parents when we give money. They didn't say anything they just take the money.

Tae: Arguing with you can bring their child back alive?

Sil: uh.. m

Silveratio gulp his saliva. His hand or leg still cannot move.

Tae: Why did you kill my love?

Sil: We know with his status he can do anything. If we kill you he will do something to us. We don't want to risk anything. That's why.

Sil can feel the temperature is dropping. He felt cold... extremely cold.

Sil: let me go.. I already confess everything.

Tee: Eat the pill in-front of you.

Sil: What pill is this?

Tee stare at Sil.

Sil's mouth open involuntary. He try to close his mouth but he couldn't. The pill goes into his mouth and the mouth closes itself.

Kao: What is happening there?

Mew: They giving punishment he deserves.

Sil able to move his hand and leg. He run out of the room.

The screen become cloudy.... and slowly alphabet after alphabet appear and forms a word...

... THANK YOU...

Mew and Gulf smile as they can see Tae is walking while holding Tee's hand and slowly disappear in the air.

They look at Forth and Beam but still there is no changes in them. They ask Kao to handle the issue as they know Silveratio will never do anything and bring Forth and Beam to hospital.

Mew: How are they, Doctor?

Doc: They are still unconscious. We couldn't identify the reason behind.

Gulf: Mew... I'm worried. Should we inform their parents.

Mew nodded. He is worried too as he felt they played with things they shouldn't.

Gulf inform both families as both Forth and Beam fainted and got admitted. They arranged different wards for the boys.

On other hand, there is a havoc in the hospital. Mew goes to check with the doc.

Forth Beam & Tae Tee Short Story 2Where stories live. Discover now