Chapter 5

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cringe warning heh... :')


Ariana took a deep breath before pushing open Lloyd's bedroom door. She found the green ninja standing in front of the window, staring out at the night sky. Fortunately, he was the only one in the room. Shutting the door, she walked up beside him.

"I thought about what you said," she started hesitantly.

Lloyd glanced sideways at her, then turned his head away. "Couldn't you have been thinking about something else?" he sighed.

Ariana shifted her feet. "I've also been thinking about what you did for me in the battle," she mumbled.

Lloyd winced. "Great," he muttered. "It's about me again."

"I'm just wondering why you did it," Ariana went on.

Lloyd glanced at her. "Why wouldn't I?"

Ariana frowned. "Well... you could've escaped with the shurikens," she said. "You could've quenched your thirst for revenge, and you did, but you risked it. For me."

Lloyd sighed and shook his head. "I-I don't know," he began. "But when I saw you wounded and in pain, I just felt so... so..."

"Angry?" Ariana guessed.

Lloyd stared at her. "Afraid."

Ariana's eyes widened and she waited for him to continue.

"Afraid that I might lose you," Lloyd said. "That I'd never see you again."

"But you could've gotten seriously injured," Ariana sighed.

Lloyd scoffed. "I knew I was stronger."

Ariana twiddled her fingers. There was one question stuck on her mind that she couldn't resist asking. "But... what if it was something else? Something you knew you weren't stronger than," she asked. "Like a... I don't know... a bear?"

Lloyd raised an eyebrow. "Why a bear?"

"That's not the point," Ariana huffed. "The point is that what if you could die?"

Lloyd took a deep breath and stared into Ariana's beautiful, glittering blue eyes. "If I could save you, it'd be worth it."

Ariana froze, mouth drying for words. Heart pounding, she drew in a shaky breath. Her breath quickened and she found herself unable to respond.

Lloyd turned to face her. "Ariana, I know you told me to keep my feelings to myself, but I can't hide it any longer." Without really thinking, he intertwined his fingers into hers, surprised but relieved when she didn't pull away. "I-I don't know how else to say this," he murmured. He brought one hand up to her cheek and shifted a loose curl out of her face. Then he stared into her eyes, gaze blazing with emotion. "I love you," he whispered.

Ariana felt sick to her stomach. Her thoughts whirled as multiple emotions hit her at once. "I... I-I don't u-understand," she stammered.

"You're beautiful, Ariana," Lloyd exclaimed. "And strong and smart and... you really care."

Ariana looked at the ground as she felt herself blush. "I-I don't know what to say," she confessed.

Lloyd realized this was the first time he had ever seen Ariana look so diffident. "Say you love me, too," he urged. He laid his hands on her arms. "I know you do."

Ariana didn't look up as he began rubbing her skin. "Is it that obvious?" she breathed.

"Why else do you stand out for me?" Lloyd went on. He let out a soft chuckle. "Why else do you smile like that?"

Ariana smiled. "Like what?"

Lloyd placed his hand under her chin and lifted her head up again until they were staring at each other. "Like that."

Warmth filled Ariana at Lloyd's soft gaze. "But I thought you thought I hated you," she said.

Lloyd half-smiled. "And I thought you said it was hard not to love a nut-head like me."

Ariana's heart fluttered in her chest, feeling her insides start to melt. She wanted to stare into Lloyd's eyes forever. "I... I..." It took every bit of strength she had to get the words out. "I-I think I do," she whispered, her voice barely audible. Then she snapped her gaze away, horror filling her almost immediately. What am I talking about? she wondered fretfully. I can't do this... Not now... not yet...

Lloyd touched his hand to her cheek and turned her head back toward him. Her eyes were wide and desperate. "Don't do this to me, Lloyd," she pleaded, voice shaking. "All this lover stuff is just stupid. I can't handle it, and you... you..." Her voice trailed off as she saw the charming gleam in Lloyd's gaze.

He put his hand up to her chin and Ariana completely froze as he leaned in closer. Then Lloyd's lips met hers, and everything blurred. Ariana's insides melted and her thoughts whirled, but before she could fully take in what was happening it was over.

Lloyd gazed into her eyes when they drew apart again. "You were saying?" he murmured, taking her hands in his again.

Ariana met his gaze and found her fingers tightening around his hands. She felt dizzy inside and she worried she would flat-out faint on the spot. She closed her eyes to regain her bearings. "No," she choked out. "We can't be together. The Overlord's gonna flip!"

Lloyd smirked. "I always have been one for forbidden love."

Ariana opened her eyes again and shot him a glare, then, gazing at his convincing expression, sighed. "How is it that your charm always gets to me?" she laughed softly.

Lloyd stepped closer until he was about an inch away from her face. "Don't you realize, that's the first time I heard you laugh?" he asked, smiling.

Ariana looked at the ground and began twirling her hair self-consciously, not wanting anyone to see that side of her. But Lloyd grabbed her wrist and wrapped it back in his own hand and she was forced to look at him again. "And what a wonderful laugh it is," he added.

Ariana's face flushed and she wanted to look away, but she couldn't. Her blue eyes locked with Lloyd's intense green, and she slowly felt her worries slide away, a new sense of warmth replacing them.

The two leaned forward and Lloyd wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on her head. Sinking against his chest, Ariana returned the embrace and closed her eyes, smiling as she sensed Lloyd do the same. The moonlight rippled over them, and all the troubles of the world seemed to slip away with every heartbeat they shared.

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