Chapter 22

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Lloyd did a backward flip onto the ridge of the couch in the living room as Kai grunted and leaped up beside him. The green ninja swiped his sword at his feet and Kai hopped over the blade. Lloyd ducked as the red ninja whipped his sword at his head. He swung his sword at him, and the two locked positions again.

"Let's make a little deal," Kai grunted.

Lloyd pushed off with his sword and Kai stumbled to the couch cushions. The green ninja hopped down beside him and sliced his sword at him. Kai quickly rolled onto the floor and the sword ripped open the couch instead.

"I'm listening," Lloyd growled.

Kai blocked a blow from That Sword before continuing. "If I win, you have to leave the Baddies and come back to the monastery with us."

Lloyd scoffed and heaved Kai away from him. "And if I win?" he pressed.

Kai bunched his muscles and raised an eyebrow. "I'll never bug you about it again," he stated.

Lloyd smirked and readied his sword. "You're on!"

Kai rushed at him and swiped his sword, but Lloyd blocked it. The green ninja skittered backward as he blocked multiple blows.

Clink! Clink! Clink! Clink!

Lloyd found himself staggering back up the stairs as Kai stabbed at him. He steadied himself at the top of the staircase and attempted to knock Kai down it again, but the red ninja leaped over him before his hands hit him. Lloyd wobbled as his hands met the air, and he struck That Sword into the ground before he could topple down. Grunting, he heaved himself back to his feet and yanked his sword out of the floor.

He panted as he felt his strength start to leave him, but he could see that Kai's strength was only growing. I can't lose, he told himself. No way am I moving back with the ninja!

Just the thought of it made him furious, and new strength poured into him. He rushed at Kai, sword at hand, and barreled him to the ground. Kai grunted as he tackled with the green ninja, avoiding the sharp blade poking at him. He managed to lift his own sword and he pressed it sideways against Lloyd's stomach, heaving him off of him. The red ninja leaped to his feet again and lunged at his opponent, but Lloyd hopped to the side, dodging him.

Kai stumbled through an open door and found himself in Nya's room. Lloyd stalked in after him and raced for him. Kai swiped his sword at Lloyd's. Lloyd immediately swung back and Kai ducked just in time.

"Why won't you stand still?" Lloyd snarled.

Kai walked backward and found himself up against a wall. Lloyd came up to him and stabbed That Sword at him. Kai gasped and ducked again and the sword shot into a picture instead. He watched the picture of him and his sister fall to the ground, completely torn in two.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Not cool, man!" he scowled.

Lloyd blocked a blow and flipped backward. As Kai headed toward him, the green ninja grabbed the bedpost and swung himself around it, kicking his opponent in the face. Kai stumbled backward, rubbing his head. Lloyd didn't waste a second to strike at him, but he was suddenly jerked backward. Whipping around, he saw a piece of his clothing was caught on the bedpost.

Kai smirked and raised his sword for a blow. Lloyd leaned out of the way and the sword cut himself loose instead.

He chuckled. "Thanks," he sneered.

Kai growled and lunged at him. Lloyd dodged and entered the hallway again. Kai followed and swiped his sword at him, but Lloyd blocked it with That Sword. The green ninja swung his weapon at his feet, but Kai shielded himself and struck his sword at Lloyd's shoulder. The green ninja blocked the blow.

Darkness from Within #4: Fading (A Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now