Love Capsules!Usuru Narambula Nee Episode-1

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Love Capsules!
Usuru Narambula Nee Episode-1

Siv PoV:

Finally I'll get to see him tomorrow, I miss those days where his first call after he wakes up was to me! I miss those days where we roamed around the city together trying out new places to eat and just chill, I miss everything we were before a certain things happened in our lives, I had the most simple and beautiful life, then it all came crashing down, now everything we do is just about our profession!

I try hard to sleep but I am just not able to calm my overthinking head, how will it be tomorrow? Will he just be normal around me? Will things be normal again? Will I be his cutie pie again? God Please make things better between us.
I opened my Instagram account and saw so many fan pages celebrating us together, saw so many funny memes and cute videos edits, yes we were going on our 4th Instagram live together after what felt like forever, I think even if we give up on ourselves this fandom always believed in us and stood up for us, everytime in doubt they have cleared my mind with their posts and edits, they kept reminding us what we are! Specially when we are together!

Sam PoV:

I was trying hard to just concentrate playing pubg with my friends, but my head kept going back to her, we are to meet each other exactly after 23 days, this is the longest we have been to not seeing each other in person, she was my first call as soon as I woke up and my last Good night was always saved for her, but lately we haven't spoken to each other at all, the maximum conversations were on our Instagram posts comments section, it isn't like we fought and stopped talking, no it's not that, fighting with her happens everyday for the last piece of pizza and for the first spoon of ice cream, I just withheld myself from her, I understand even though we have been dating for almost a year now officially, we were always inclined towards each other since college days, then as a rival and then as a best friends during SS7 and now we are everything to each other, but I think there are rough days in every relationships so does ours.

It all started when my good morning calls were never answered and I received a call back when It was post lunch, when my good night messages were seen in the morning, I understand she was very busy, she had a fun show that is in the current trends, I was so happy and proud of her, but the same time I was missing her so much that I got to see her more on tv and social media videos than in real, every time we planned something she either came in very late or left very early saying she had shoot, so in the name of not disturbing her work life I completely reduced calling her, I didn't want her feeling guilty for not keeping up to my silly expectations, the show is just a matter of few months and then things will be normal, moreover I don't have to be that nagging boyfriend, I want her to live life without having to worry about calling me or texting me, but missing her all these days certainly had a huge impact on me, I felt lost without her non stop talking around me.

Finally the most awaited SSlive 4 was organised after squeezing in our schedules, she had to miss some get together from the show she is participating to be a part of this live, I know how important that networking was for her but she choose to do this with me.
Its only lately I realised that her overthinking brain has made up her own reasons for my silence, how could she even think I was ignoring her? God this girl! Anyways I have something for her that she will surely Love! Yes when I traveled out I bought a Ukulele for her, cause I remember breaking the one she had, it was an accident I was playing around and dropped it without my knowledge, so since then I have been thinking to gift her a new one and finally got a chance to pick it for her, oh I want to see how her face lights up when she sees it, my girl loves surprises no matter how big or small it is and I am very bad at planning these surprises, but this time I hope I don't screw up and make her feel special! Cause that's exactly what she is for me. My Cutie pie!

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