Episode 4 - NoNoNo (Finale of Love Capsule)

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Love Capsule
Episode 4- NoNoNo♥️

Sivaanya PoV:

God! Even today I had to wake up late? Seriously? What happened to my human alarm saying that I looked around the house, mom and aunty were busy in the kitchen cooking lunch, well it was my aunt who was cooking, my mum was just doing tasting part of cooking, I smile looking at them, and then I see my brother and cousins playing games on the dining table.

Siv: Good morning Guys! You'll know it's an important day! And all of you are chilling here?

Vinay: It's Afternoon! Look who is talking about chilling on an important day! How come your awake before the sun set? So that's why May be the city is facing this situation with rain and flooding.

Siv: Vinu! Shut up! I was tried! I told mom to wake me up early! By the way where is Appa?

Cousin Sister: He went out to buy something da! Did you brush? Aren't you hungry?

Siv: Divi Chechi, I am not hungry! I feel so anxious, I couldn't sleep the whole night.

Vinu: No wonder the orders came not to disturb you unless you woke up!

Siv: Orders ah? Whose orders?
I looked at him confused.

Vinu: Your Frannd Obviously!
He told teasingly, I gave him a stare hoping that'll make him to zip his mouth, but no he had different plans.

Vinu: What if you stare at me I'll keep quiet ah? Go ya!

Siv: Vinu!! Okay fine let me finish my bath first!

Saying that I ran back to my room, I could hear my brother and cousins giggling, Ayyo don't know what's going to happen today.

I took out my phone to see few messages from different groups and my friends who had messaged me congratulating me on the release of my song on all music platforms.
It's the 3 messages from him that had all my attention.

Sam Aryan

1. Hello Paapa! Good morning!

2. When your awake let me know.

3. Rasathi!!! The song is out and I couldn't have been more proud of you, Queen of my Heart!

These messages, he surely knows how to flatter me, a few days back I felt so lost in the battle of relationship and it's complications, I thought with it I lost my best friend and I terribly missed him, but eventually we will belong where our heart is transfixed and HE is where my heart is, So again Love won all its obstacles and brought us back to each other.

I immediately called him, a wide smile playing on my face, in the 5th ring he picked my call.

Sam: Hello Rasathi!

Siv: Hello Samieii! What are you doing?

Sam: I am at Office, did you have good sleep?

Siv: Yes! I had good sleep! Sorry I didn't know when I fell asleep, your voice was so relaxing and soothing I just dozed off.

Sam: That's alright! My intention was to make sure you have good sleep, it's your big day!

Siv: Oh Yes! Btw what did you tell at home? No one woke me up, and then Vinu told you gave your orders?! What did you do?
I asked him curiously

Sam: I just messaged Vinay saying you slept late and you needed good rest so not to wake you up unless it's 2pm and your still sleeping.

Siv: Ayyo Sam! Okay listen I'll go take bath and come.

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