Episode 2 - Kattikida kattikida kattikidaKattikida kattikidaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

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Love Capsule!

Episode 2 - Kattikida kattikida kattikida
Kattikida kattikidaaaaaaaaaaaaa...

Sam PoV:

I always thought good things aren't meant for me, so I never wanted to have any desires, I only believed in God and went about my life doing good hoping one day nothing bad will return to me, that's what I believe in what you sow, you reap! I can't sow negativity and reap positivity, just like that I can be bad and expect others to treat me well, I just want to be a decent human being.

I have had to go through a lot during my college days, even during the initial days of SS7, I was already worried cause I am not a trained singer, I don't have a guru, but music ran through every nerve of my body I guess, I was and I am still possessed and obsessed with Music, a little confidence in myself came through cause of HER! My best friend Siv! All I know is I can't do life without her, she brings so much happiness and joy to my life.

Now I have everything, I consider everything around me as a blessing, career wise I am going in the right direction is what I believe, again my full trust is in God! He will lead me through! I have few friends that are my family, and then I have her as my lifeline!

I don't know since when or how, these days just she looking into my eyes I am hypnotised, I know she is my best friend and your not supposed to feel things otherwise if it's not mutual, but lately I couldn't stop falling for her, she cares and loves me in ways I can't even begin to explain, may be this is what is called unconditional love? But am I worthy of it? I don't know! She is too good to be real! Only few souls replicate the Goodness of heaven and she is everything like it! She is means more to me! But I'll never tell her that! Cause she deserves the best! I doubt if I am that!

Siv PoV:

Being Happy and making others happy is the only thing I live for! We don't have 1000 years to live so we can sit and worry or be sad for things we can't control, hardly 60 to 65 years we'll live so let's make better use of it!

Music has always been there around me, it's there in the air I breathe, I am blessed cause I have only the best around me, the first best thing is my family! My celebrity parents and then my bestu friend Sam Aryan! I can see my entire family in one person and it's him!
Sometimes he is like my mother very caring and loving, sometimes he is like my father very protective and providing! And sometimes like my notorious brother who pulls pranks on me, troubles me and above all steal my food! He is everything a person needs to have a peaceful life!
I remember seeing him during our college days, any competition he will be there with his gang of friends, it's so difficult to see him anywhere alone, he used to be so quiet or that's what I thought unless we became close friends during SS7 and then there has been no stopping us, it's like if am there then he is there too! Or it's the other way! We became inseparable! His friends became my friends and my friends became his friends! He became a family at home! If he is there then Appa knows I'll be safe and Back home on time. From college days I have been a big fan of his voice and then now a big fan of his personality and character, Sokka Thangam!
I used to have a crush on him back then, then when we became friends I didn't want to ruin it cause he was very clear we were good friends in fact best friends, I didn't want to ruin that friendship at any cost, so I suppressed my feelings for him, but I think feelings like these the more you suppress the more it increases, eventually I knew I can't keep ignoring what I feel for him! So I began to enjoy every little feeling I have for him, I don't know if anyone can be this selfless! But he is! His comfort is secondary for him, he wants everyone around him achieving and doing great things, just seeing him you'll get inspired to do something.

I remember how during SS7 time how he always stood up for me! He rejoiced and cried for me and with me, he is my constant support system, even during the finale of SS7, he made sure I was there around him throughout, he did everything in his power to make me happy, I'll never forget how happy he was after his performance, and the way he ran into my arms after the results saying
"Sivu! See we did It"! I don't know what I did for him but he always uses the word we when it comes to SS7 winning moments! Him saying that makes me feel so included and invested, even his family the way they treat me just like one among them makes me wish for us to be more. But how will he understand all this? How will he know my Love for him!

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