Chapter 4

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I'm rushing out the door and into my car when Jade joins me, squealing like a five year old girl.
"Okay, what the shit are you screaming about?"
"He's going to homecoming with someone, Jade."
"A girl can dream, can't she?"
"Not to break your mood, but I am 99% positive that you are the only other girl who wants to go with Derrick to homecoming, besides Paige."
"Just let me fantasize, Cleo." Jade deadpanned.
"Not when you are wanting to go to homecoming with the guy that is going with my crush of ten years."
"I'm sure you'll get Paige one day."
"Yeah, and I am sure you will get Derrick."
"That's the spirit!"
"Sarcasm, gullible bitch."
I made a turn into the school parking lot, parking the car and getting out.
"I don't understand why you are so excited about going to homecoming, it's the same boring ass dance as every other year."
"Yeah, but this is senior year, Cleo! It is time to actually go with someone!"
"I've gone to homecoming with people before! I went with that Jimmy guy in the ninth grade."
"And you are gay, Cleo. Any of that ring a bell?"
"Every day, but thanks for reminding me."
"Why do I even try with you?"
"I have no idea."
Jade squealed, but quieter this time, as Paige and Derrick walked down the hallway.
I groaned at seeing them, pulling Jade to look at me.
"They are humans, honey. Not celebrities. Now snap out of it!"
"But- but-"
"Quiet. Besides, we don't even know when homecoming is."
"Doesn't mean we can't get excited for it!"
"Well I sure as hell am not excited for it, now are you going to homeroom with me or not?"
"Fine," Jade whined, following me,"But you are never going to here the end of Derrick from now on."
"Not unless I stop you."
"How are you goi-"
"Jade is single, someone ask her to homecoming!" I yelled, and everyone looked at us, including Derrick and Paige.
"That is how," I whispered, walking into homeroom and chuckling.
"You are a serious ass, Cleo Marine."
"And it is going to get you killed one day."
"I look forward to it."
During homeroom, Mrs Harben ranted about her recent engagement when a note was passed to me, supposedly from Ryan. The note asked if I wanted to go to homecoming with him. He looked at me hopefully and I looked away, pretending to pay attention to Mrs Harben's ranting.
The thing about Ryan is he's very, how do I put this- out of the loop, so he probably doesn't know that I'm gay. Which is why I feel bad for saying no in the first place. And I thought I escaped him, until he found me at the end of class.
"Ryan, I'm going to say this in the most straight up way possible- I'm gay. I am a lesbian. I like girls."
"Oh. Okay."
He walked away, and I was confused as to how he took it so well but I decided it would be best for me not to question it.
"So what did you tell him?" Jade asked when I sat down at lunch. I'm sure she was itching to know.
"No? What else would I tell him?"
"Why the fuck would I tell a guy yes to homecoming when I'm gay?"
"I mean you did in ninth grade."
"Okay, if you don't shut up about that them I'm going to tell Derrick that you like him."
Jade was silent, looking across the lunch room with tears in her eyes. I thought I had offended her until I saw what she was staring at, in which I wanted to cry, too. It was Paige and Derrick, making out at their lunch table.
After what we saw at lunch, Jade led me to a private place in the park, crying silently.
She looked at me through her tears.
"How the fuck are you not crying right now?"
"I've seen Paige make out with multiple people multiple times, Jade. I've learned to get over it."
"You really love her, don't you?"
"Yeah. I do. But there's no sense in crying over her when she doesn't do the same."

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