Chapter 30

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Cleo's POV
A Few Months Later
I haven't talked to Paige since that night and I haven't seen her since that night other than in the halls at school.
I have a part time job at Arby's (wow, thanks Mom and Dad) and am going to school every day, coming back home, doing my homework and then falling back asleep. I've been having trouble sleeping lately (Jade, who I've been talking to off and on thinks I have insomnia) and although I'm still doing good in school, I'm sleep deprived most of the time. If I'm not sleeping I'm working and if I'm not doing those I'm rolling over in bed a million times because I can't sleep. My parents have completely forbidden me from seeing any girls what so ever (other than talking to Jade) and have even tried to set me up dates with boys. They won't let me go anywhere without calling me every five minutes (which is why I only ever go to school and work) so therefore I've been distant from Emily, Benzo, Lyla, Derrick, and Paige (pretty much my whole social life is gone). My co-workers have asked to come over off and on and I've just simply told them that my home is self destructive and I think they got the picture. I've started to think that Paige and I aren't going to be okay, school ends in a few months and once that is done my whole social life will be gone. None of our family is coming to down to see me graduate and I doubt my parents will come, either because they still think of me as a fuck up, disgrace to this family, an embarrassment etc. etc or they simply don't give a fuck about me unless I'm going anywhere (which, then, they need to know everything about where I'm going). So yeah, that's fucking life for me (it really fucking sucks, if you can't tell).
A/N noooo Cleo baby I need you to get better. I know you guys can say that I shouldn't be surprised because I'm the one who is writing it and I know what will happen but honestly I don't really know how many chapters are left and I only know what the ending is going to be (I really wish I could tell you guys). Paige's "New life" should be up tomorrow or Saturday or something (I've been slacking lately, it's horrible) so urrmmm yash. Btw who wants a new cover? I've been thinking about making a new one but I'm not sure because I like the one that is there and it is nice but I'm not sure. Maybe when I finish the book and edit all the chapters (which will be a pain in the bootay, why did I make this book so long Dx) and stuff I'll change it again idrk. So yeah I think that's all I love you all lots (hey that rhymed) and uh yeah.


-Chan <3 :)

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