Chapter 13:The evil's nightmare

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After a great phisical effort for most of the class and questioning of what's real anymore, they finnaly arrived at the camp. Of course, they were imediatly throwed in training, to their displeasure.

Shota gave almost every student their exercises. But, then he arrived at the antisocial duo.

Shota:Kumagawa, I honesty don't have any idea what your quirk is, but ir looks like you've mastered it well enough. Same for you, L/N. So, you two are free to do whatever you want.

Kumagawa smiled like alwais, But Y/N did something at those news. She looked Katsuki straight in the eyes and gave him the middle finger.

Y/N:Bye, loser!

Katsuki:I'm gonna turn you to ash, albino bitch!


Katsuki:Shut up, shitty smile!

Kumagawa:[Awww, look at the chihuahua. We love you too!]

Class B was also also habing a training camp there. They went there and Kumagawa waved at Shiozaki, who waved back.

The league of villains wasn't staying idly in the meantine, not at all. They have expanded using Stan's name. The most powerful members were put on a team called the Vanguard Action Squad.

Interesting enough, Dabi was the leader. A leader exasperated by his teammates.

First was the blonde gorilla who most likely grew muscles from his quirk where his brain was supposed to be Muscular.

First was the blonde gorilla who most likely grew muscles from his quirk where his brain was supposed to be Muscular

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Then there was the very, very manly magnetic girl, Magne.

The disturbinly silent, and obssesed with eating everything, bondage freak Moonfish

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The disturbinly silent, and obssesed with eating everything, bondage freak Moonfish.

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