According to Him- Kagehina

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This is inspired by the song According to You Enjoy





If you don't like any of these thing please don't read this and come in the comments with all that hate on the story and stuff please and thank you also i'm pretty sure the tags on this say boyxboy so if you're reading this and you're homophobic please fuck off thank :)

Hinata's Pov:

We were at morning practice and we had a practice match with seijoh later on today. "Kageyama." I called him in the corner of the gym staring down at the volleyball that he was holding. He didn't respond. I rushed over to see what was wrong. "Kageyama, are you okay you didn't answer me." I asked. "Yeah I'm fine you won't me to set to you right." Kageyama said it was kinda weird he was calm and didn't yell. I hit every ball Kageyama set for me but something felt off. It wasn't the same as normal. Kageyama left before I could talk to him so I went to ask Sugawara for some advice. "Suga-san, can I talk to you really quick?" I say. "Yeah sure what's the matter Hinata." Suga answered. "Have you noticed anything about Kageyama?" I ask. "No why is there something wrong." "I don't know, it's just something not right. I hit all of his sets today but it didn't feel the same as normal. We were in sync and everything but it was like Kageyama was just going through the motions and was somewhere else. He didn't even yell at me today." I explained. "Maybe Kageyama is having a problem with something it would probably be best if you can help him out see what's wrong." Suga stated I nodded.


It was time for the practice match me and Kageyama were walking down the halls of the school to the gym of Seijoh. "Hinata can I ask you something." Kageyama said. "Yeah sure what is it." I say. He took a big inhale. "I know I'm a burned, I can't do anything right, I a mess, narrasistic and rude, I fail to see the emotions of others, and moody, you'd probably be a better volleyball player without, I'm just the stupid king of the court it's better off if I- " I cut Kageyama of before he could go on. I was furious that he was saying these types of things about himself. Tears were falling down his cheeks "Who told you that stuff who in fucks name put all that shit in your head." I shouted. "Kindaichi, my old teammates, classmates, bullies." He mumbled. "And you believe them, what they said about you?" I say. Kageyama looked at the ground. I never thought Kageyama could feel this way. He always seemed so invincible like he could take anything and still be okay that's why I admire him so much. "Kageyama look at me." I said placing his hands in mine. Kageyama and me looked into my eyes and I saw all the pain that he always kept hidden through his angry. "You are the most beautiful person I know, you're an amazing setter. That's why me and you are a team. I would be where I am in volleyball if it weren't for you. And it's gonna take time for you to change and be a better person but you're trying and I see that, You're incredible and funny, you may be a little narcissistic but that what makes you who you are. You're a good person, and nobody's perfect so stop overworking yourself trying to be better than people you're great just the way you are okay." Kageyama started to look a little happier with each word I spoke, "And you're smile, the one that's not scary is beautiful, it has the light of a million stars, moon, and sun. So whoever told you all that stuff is wrong they only see the facade that you put on everyday but I see the real you, the one you keep hidden and the real Tobio Kageyama is the most awesome person I've ever met. So remember that okay." I said with a smile. Kageyama smiled a real smile not his scary one then whispered in my ear, "Thank you I need that Shoyo '' I blushed at him using my first name. "No problem Now let's get to the game everyone's probably wondering where we're at."


(Yeah I know another just bare with me)

(author's note: I change a little bit of the lyrics so enjoy)

Kageyama's Pov:

The practice match had just ended we had also lost the practice match. Hinata was just about to ask me something when Kindaichi came over to Karasuno side. "Well King how does it feel to lose again." Kindaichi said. "HEY YOU 1ST YEAR BRAT DON'T TALK TO MY TEAMMATE LIKE THAT." Nishinoya yelled at him. "Nishinoya stop let him handle it." Daichi said. "You're still a failure and a narcissistic." Kindaichi said. I sighed then looked at Kindaichi. "Are you done yet Kindaichi." I said he stayed quite, "Good now I have to tell you something. According to you I'm stupid, I'm useless, I can't do anything right. According to you I'm difficult, hard to please, forever changing my mind. I'm a mess can't change my ways, even if it would save my life. According to you, according to everyone else." I say. Kindaichi rolled his eyes, "And it's true." I smiled and pointed to Hinata,"But according to him. I'm beautiful, incredible. Invincible when I'm with him. According to him I'm funny, irresistible, Everything he ever needed. Everything is the opposite. I don't feel like stopping it. So tell what I got to lose. He sees me for everything you don't. According to him." "Now I would suggest you leave and go back to your team before I beat the living shit out of you." Hinata said with his scariest glare. Kindaichi rushed off. Hinata jumped up to me and kissed me on the mouth. We kissed until we ran out of air and had to breath. The team cheered. Tsukishima made a gagging face but I could tell he was glad for us. Across the court shouted was heard from my two former upperclassmen. "WOOO GO TOBIO-CHAN AND CHIBI-CHAN MY SHIP IS FINALLY TOGETHER." Oikawa shouted. Iwaizumi didn't yell but his voice carried. "Shut up Oikawa let them have their moment." Iwaizumi said. "Oh like we haven't kissed." Oikawa teased. "We were in the 3rd grade and you said you wanted to practice kissing." Iwaizumi said defensively. (A one shot for another day) I laughed. "You're amazing Kageyama." Yachi said, smiling at me and Hinata. "Yeah I know and according to him I'm amazing and more." I say genuinely happy.

~1126 Words I'm so proud of myself~

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