Part 2

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Once we are in the back, the trainers swamp us, which causes me to tighten my hold on her.

"Let us take her," one trainer says, trying to grab her from me, but Cass stops him.

"We will take her to where you are set up, and we will stay with her while you look her over," Cass says, stepping between the trainers and me. I glance down at Sasha when I feel her tighten her hold on me.

"I'm not going anywhere, Sasha," I say, holding her close to me. We follow the trainers as they lead us to the room they are set up in.

"I need you to lay her down on the table, so we can check her over," a female trainer says, pointing towards a table. I walked over and set her down, but she won't let go of me.

"Sash, they need to check you over for injuries," I say, trying to get her to let me go.

"Don't go," she says, tightening her hold.

"Sash, neither Zo nor I will be going anywhere until you are checked over and can go with us," Cass says suddenly from right beside me. I smile when I see Sasha glanced up at him before slowly letting me go but grabbing my hand, so I stay right beside her. Cass stays beside me as I stay by her head as the trainer looks her over. I frown when the trainer points out a large bruise that is forming on her arm where Strowman was holding onto her so tightly.

"Well, besides the bruise, she also has a mild concussion," the trainer says, writing it all down on a clipboard.

"She won't be able to wrestle for a while," Cass says as I brushed some hair off her face, which causes her to glance up at me. I smile down at her, getting a small smile from her.

"How long will she be out?" I ask, rubbing her knuckles.

"A week at minimum," the trainer says, writing up something on a new piece of paper.

"Is there any medicine she will need?" I ask, smiling as she yawns.

"I've got a prescription for some pain pills here for her, but I would try using normal pain pills before using these though because they could make her drowsy," the trainer says, handing me the prescription. I nod and try to fold it up with one hand but fail, so Cass grabs it out of my hand and folds it up neatly.

"When can she leave?" I ask, noticing she dozed off.

"She can leave as soon as you guys are ready to go," the trainer says, setting the clipboard to the side. I glance up and tense when the door opens suddenly, but I relax when I see Folly walk in.

"He's already been taken off the premises, and we found her bags," Folly says, as he waves in a security guard who is carrying Sasha's things. Cass takes them from the guard and lays them on one of the other tables in the room as Folly and the trainer talk. Cass catches me staring down at Sasha as I run my fingers through her hair.

"She'll be ok, Zo," Cass says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I know she will be. I was just scared when I saw him manhandling her," I say, frowning.

"It is not your fault, Zo," Sasha suddenly says, which surprises me since I thought she was still asleep.

"The only reason he grabbed you was that he knew it would get my attention which in turn would get Cass's attention," I say, letting go of her hand and stepping away from her.

"Zo," I hear her say as I walk out the door. Once I am out the door, I run down the hallway until I find a quiet spot where there is no one around. I lean against the wall and let myself slide down to sit on the floor against the wall. I bury my face in my knees as I try not to let my tears of frustration flow.

"Damn it," I say like a few leak out. I tense when I hear someone walking down the hallway towards where I am.

"Zo," I hear Cass's voice yell.

I should have known he would be looking for me. I wonder who is with Sasha? I think to myself as the footsteps get closer.

"Do you think we should split up?" I hear Sasha's voice suddenly, which causes me to stand up and head towards the voices.

"You are in no condition to be wandering around on your own," Cass replies to her as I round the corner where I can see them and they can see me.

"Zo," Sasha says, trying to rush over to me but stumbling, which causes me to rush to her.

"You shouldn't be up and walking around," I say, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Zo, please, look at me," Sasha says, cupping my face with her hands.

"You got hurt because of me," I say, locking eyes with her.

"Firstly, it is not your fault. Secondly, I knew what I was getting into by having a boyfriend that is a WWE wrestler," she says, smiling at me.

"Boyfriend?" I ask, shocked she had said that.

"Well, I was thinking since we've already had a few dates now, we could maybe actually call what we are as dating?" she says, blushing as Cass laughs behind her. I smile and pull her to me, wrapping my arms around her.

"How did I get so lucky as to get such a wonderful and beautiful girlfriend?" I ask, smiling at Cass.

"I have no idea what she sees in your crazy butt," Cass says, which makes Sasha laugh. "Let's go get changed so we can head to your place, Zo." I nod and keep an arm wrapped around Sasha as we walk back towards our locker room. Sasha leans into me as I walk, and I kiss her temple, smiling and feeling extremely lucky and happy.

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