The Nightly Touch

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Creaking was something that really annoyed Kelanie over the years. She gets easily frightened by them. Well any mysterious sounds really. Especially when she's alone. And this time, it was worse than ever. She heard creaking under her bed at night. Every night to be precise. So she asked her landlord about it. Since he was pretty suspicious considering the placement of the bed. But he wouldn't budge. Kelanie knew he knew something. She just couldn't prove it. Or as some people say "I can't put my finger on it". Over time she got used to it and she was finally able to go to sleep at night. Right up until one night she woke up to a soft touch on her shoulder. Frightened she woke up hyperventilating. She felt as if she was about to die. But nothing was there. No one was there. Just her black clock with bright red led light numbers thats hung up right on the middle of the wall that's in front of her bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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