Chapter 1

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"I can't believe you dragged me out for this," I grumbled to Josie as we headed towards the drink station for refills at the school's 'last night of summer party.' "Why did you even drag me here?"

"You needed a night out, Liz," Jo smiled, giving my arm a gentle squeeze, which I half-heartedly scoffed at.

"And you had to do it at a school event? Couldn't you have dragged me to some bar for tequila shots, where we'd end up fighting over my phone as I try to drunk-text my ex?"

"Lizzie..." Josie began softly, "It's been almost two months, and you've had to see her almost every day..."

"I know," I grumbled, "but it doesn't make up for the two years we managed to make it work."

I was of course talking about Hope Mikaelson, my former girlfriend and once the love of my life. We'd spent two wonderful years together. Our relationship was perfect; I had even confessed my love for her within a week of us getting together. She had cared for me in a way I never thought possible.

The more we grew closer, the more I saw her soft, loving side—the side she kept hidden from everyone else. Sure, we had our ups and downs, especially with my family history issues that seemed to intensify after she arrived at school. I felt like she was stealing all the attention away from me. Yet, we found ways to make it work, until it didn't.

Eventually, Hope decided she didn't want me anymore. She ended things over text, claiming she couldn't afford to lose anyone else. Then, she ghosted me for a week. Maybe it was because I'm mortal. I don't know. But clearly, the almighty tribrid didn't think I was worth an in-person breakup.

Shaking off those thoughts, I glanced towards the dance floor and saw my world crashing down—or so it felt. Hope Mikaelson had just walked in with her best friend and my sister's ex, Penelope Park. Maybe this was planned. Maybe they wanted to hurt us, to break our hearts.

"I can't do this," I whispered to Jo, turning away and leaving the party.

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