Double Edged Blade

18 1 0

[ Omori and Sunny ]
Tw: stabbing, blood, death
Spoilers for Good/Neutral Ending

It takes a tragedy to create the subconscious world Sunny had managed to do. It was a small pocket away from the rest of the world that burned him so often. After he accepted Mari's death, Headspace felt disgusting to step foot into. It had lost the colorful shine and Sunny saw it as it truly was- a sad fictitious world made by a disillusioned, grieving teen.

After not stepping into Headspace and existing within the in-between of Whitespace, the large door eventually disappeared. He was content for a while with his actions of closing off Headspace forever, but Sunny soon found himself becoming miserable in the emptiness.

   He regretfully wished, to see his imaginary friends once again. Their real-world counterparts obviously refused to speak with him, which he whole heartedly deserved- but he would be lying if he said he didn't miss them every waking and not moment of the day.

After this small, insignificant truth wormed it's way into Sunny's brain, he one day opened his eyes in Headspace to find someone he thought was dead. Omori hadn't spoken to Sunny after their fight together three years ago. Sunny had killed him that night, eradicated him from his mind almost entirely. But when his life was at its lowest apparent point, he was back, sitting where the door used to be; as if waiting for it to appear before him. When Sunny had told him what had happened to Headspace, Omori had just turned towards him with dead eyes, and seemed to accept the loss of his old home.

   They always had a tangible connection that required no words to know what the other was thinking. Silence was all Whitespace ever held, silence and now the unspoken hatred. Sunny wasn't shy in knowing his counterpart hated him, even before he destroyed the door to headspace. So the two of them sat in the vast emptiness and just stared. On the very bad days, Sunny tried to speak with Omori but on majority of those days, he wouldn't respond.

   Other days, the second the void appeared before him Omori would dully ask him why he was there. A sense of longing always seemed to follow those words but it would be swallowed by spite. Both knew exactly why, and Sunny's silence only enraged Omori further.

   This time was different. Omori stood over Sunny when he arrived, his disappointed eyes cutting right through his own tired ones. He was used to the staring contest. What he wasn't used to, was Omori lifting a dull knife and stabbing the space right next to his ear.

  "Get out." Omori's scratchy voice cut the air like a broken record-player stuck on repeat, as if the needle cut right through and the player was on fire. "Quit coming back here." He lifted the knife to strike again, most likely planning to hit his target this time. "Get out!"

   Sunny rolled to the side as the knife stabbed where his right eye used to be. His counterpart lifted the knife out of the floor again, when Sunny brought his arm back and socked him right in the face.

   There was a brief silence, black hair covering Sunny' view of Omori's face. Sunny was already breathing hard from the unexpected attacks. Both boys stood up slowly, Omori's movements were fluid as he pushed the hair out of his face and lunged, a weird ink dripping from his left eye where Sunny had punched him. His bowstring was back in it's case in the real world, he was defenseless against his armed alter-ego. The blade slashed towards him again and Sunny fell limply to the floor to dodge it.

  "Stop it!" Sunny's voice carried throughout the void. "Hey-hey!" He put his hands up in surrender and Omori' movement stilled. "Why are you doing this- you have no reason to fight me" The boy's grip on the knife tightened and stabbed again, landing a successful blow on Sunny's open hands. He yelled in pain when Omori stabbed again at his arms, and kicked him to the ground.

"You have no right to ask me why," Sunny paled at the killer expression on Omori's face. "You of all people have no right to come in here," He kicked Sunny's rib cage, causing the boy to cry out in pain. "and ask me why I'm doing this? Did I not ask the same thing to you all those years ago?!" He kicked at Sunny again, and then began beating his fists down onto his chest. Darkness over took Sunny's vision, and the last thing he felt was pain.

  Little hands began to tug at Sunny's arm, bringing back to the cusp of consciousness, they always brought him back, dying or not. Omori sat a few feet away, his dead eyes staring into the nothingness.

"I loathe you." Omori whispered, so quietly Sunny almost couldn't catch it. "You get to live in a world with life, emotion, him. And you toss it away to stay here."

  "I know," Sunny coughed out. He couldn't find the words, the sharpness of the knife, verbal and literal, ripped open the stitches of the past he tried to heal from. It's not like it wasn't true. He had treated his friend horribly, and unintentionally hurt Basil the most. He had gotten so caught up in his grief he didn't notice how everything had changed for the worst until it was too late. "I know I don't deserve it. I don't deserve him. Any of it." The words held truth in them, but Sunny couldn't care less about the real world anymore. "You're right and now I'm paying for it."

   The bloodied knife lay on the floor to the side of him. It was in perfect middle between him and Omori, if he was a foot closer he could grab it. Omori sighed at the sobbing boy below him and kneeled down by his head. Dragging the knife just a little closer, without even realizing.

  "I won't let you come here to suffer. Who are you to hide away from consequences? Why should you be spared from your own actions?"

   Sunny feebly grasped the knife's handle that had spun towards him. Omori didn't seem to notice his true intentions, at least not until it was too late.

   Omori looked down at the bloodied knife that was plunged into where his heart should be. The nothingness began to eat away at his body-it should've been excruciating. Instead he just seem relieved to face death again.

Omori looked into Sunny's cold eyes and whispered. "I don't think I will ever understand why you do this to yourself."

He was dead. Sunny was alive. And he didn't feel an ounce of regret.

Omori DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now