2. Freedom.

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Escaped indominus POV.
Hi. Just letting you know that this story will go through to Jurassic World 3. I won't include the spoilers but if you do feel free to comment.
As I run through the forest I wonder where I should hide. My name is Alpha. Well that's the humans code name for me. Something in my arm ticks. The tracking implant. I have to get it out. I move my claws next to where it is. I take a deep breath before forcing my claws into my skin. I wince from the pain and I feel my claws hit something that is neither bone nor flesh. I wrap the tips of my claws around it and yank it out. Boy does it hurt. I drop the implant on the ground and crush it. I start walking and I realise the trees are starting to space out more and I soon find out why. There's a large clearing with another paddock. I can see the gate is open and I'm about to go investigate when I hear a roar like mine. The gate starts to close and I now see a rather plump security guard hiding in front of a truck. Suddenly a man in a brown vest runs out of the paddock and under a crane as a white indominus head appears preventing the gate from closing fully. I can sense that the indominus is female. She brakes the gate open and walks to the truck. She looks down at the human hiding in front of it. She smacks the truck into the air leaving the human behind. I see her smile before she bites down on the human. She swallows the human and makes her way to the crane. The human hiding under it grabs a knife and cuts a cord causing fuel to splash onto him. The female indominus gets down on all 4's and starts to smell. She roars and stands back up and walks off. I could kill the human myself but I'll let him live. He's not my concern now anyway. Staying hidden in the trees I follow the white indominus. She definitely wants to get as far away from here as possible. I call out to her and she instantly stops. She turns in circles. Trying to find out where I am.
"Have fun killing those humans?"I ask walking into her line of view.
Her jaw drops, her eyes filled with shock and disbelief.
"Your like me."she says.
I laugh. I only then notice a large group of humans behind her. Time to get hers out. I walk right in front of her and quickly rip the tracker out of her shoulder. I drop the tracker.
"Hide in the trees."I say,"Humans are coming."

A few minutes later.
No ones POV

In the control room the elevator door opens and Owen storms out. A security guard walks after Owen trying to get his attention.
"What the hell happened out there!?"Owen yells at Clair,"There are thermal cameras all over that paddock, she did not just disappear!"
"There must have been some kind of...technical difficulties."says Clair.
"She marked up that wall as a distraction," Owen yells,"she wanted us to think she escaped!"
"Owen we're talking about an animal here."
"A highly intelligent animal."
"26 metres to the beacon."says Vivian.
"Why's does it have 2 signs?"asks Owen.
"We had 2."says Clair,"The other escaped moments before the white one."
Owen looks up at the screen.
"Your going after them with non-lethals."says Owen.
"We have 26 million dollars on both of them,"says Mazrani."we can't just kill them."
"Those men are gonna die."says Owen.
On the screen the ACU leader is seen approaching a piece of white flesh. He picks it up to reveal a light bulb like device imbedded in it.
"Bloods not clotted yet,"says the unit,"its close."
"What is that?"asks a worker in the control room.
"It her tracking implant,"says Owen,"she clawed it out."
"How would she know to do that?"asks Clair.
"She remembered where they put it in."says Owen.
With the unit blood drips onto his arm. The unit looks up and more blood drips down. The unit stands and looks back at the rest of the group who look above him. The unit turns and the trees start to turn black. Alpha roars and grabs the unit and the other units start to shoot him. Alpha throws the unit at the ground and steps on him. The white indominus runs out and bites down on a unit. Alpha smacks one unit at a tree and throws another into a tree. A unit shoots a net onto Alphas mouth and he starts to bash trees over killing yet more units. He rips the net off his mouth and eats him. One unit grabs a shotgun and shoots Alpha. The bullets don't so much as scratch him. He bite down on the unit and in the distance the rest are seen driving away at speed. In the control room Owen looks at Clair.
"Evacuate the island."says Owen.
"We could never reopen."says Clair.
"You made a dinosaurs,"says Owen,"raised them in captivity they are seeing all of this for the first time. They don't even know what they are. They're finding out where they fit on the food chain and I'm not sure you want them to figure that out. They will kill everything that moves. You have an M1-34 in your armoury, put it on a chopper and smoke those things!"
"We have families here I'm not going to turn this place into some kind of a war zone!"
"You already have."
"Mr Grady if your not going to help there's no reason for you be here."
In anger Owen smacks some toy dinosaurs and storms out but stops to talk to Mazrani.
"I'ld have a word,"he says,"with your people in the lab. Those things, aren't dinosaurs."
Owen storms to the elevator and the door closes. Clair sighs.
"I'm going to close everything north of the resort."she says,"This is a phase one, real world bring everyone in."
"This is a phase one real world,"says Vivian,"I repeat this is a phase one bring everyone back in."

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