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"Pass the test, Huh?" Rimuru was now hesitant, but he remembers that if he does not do it. Ciel will be in danger. "She's been through a lot seeing me die one after another, I can't let her suffer anymore." He thought.

He stood still for quite a while, and finally gave his answer.

"I'll do it, but. what happens to you after this?" He asked Rey in a serious tone. But to his surprise Rey smiled and said.

"This recording ends, you will officially replace me as the creator of the Future." He was smiling, Rimuru sensed this smile was not out of happiness, it was the smile of Sadness, Regrets, Relief, Thankful.

Rimuru then turned to the Crystal Again and touched it once more.


Rimuru woke up sitting on a chair, and a table in front of him. With the paperworks stacked up like usual.

"I'm in? My old world? This is, Jura Tempest Federation. It's nice to see this place again. Alright, Remember Rimuru it's not real. Okay?" He thought to himself so that he'll be ready.

Suddenly the door suddenly opened, Shuna was coming in.

"Rimuru-sama, do you want to eat with us? Or would you rather eat here?" She asked.

Rimuru looked at shuna, they looked real but in the end it was all an illusion.

"I'll come down in just a minute." He said.

"Ah! Alright! Then I'll be waiting for you down there." She happily replied.

Rimuru then looked out the window once more,

Then the scene he was in suddenly changed.

The peaceful illusion has been replaced by a horrifying sight for Rimuru. His people were massacred he looked to the left, but all he saw was arms and body parts everywhere. He looked to his right side, what he saw was his friends and his Subordinates, all killed.

But there was one who particularly stood out in his sight Making him regain his composure Instead of losing all control.

It was the sight of Shizue, although he never had developed more feelings for her. She still is a treasured person in his life.

"Rimuru-san, please help me." She said as she was struggling to walk.

She was wounded all over her body Rimuru didn't know what had happened exactly to her, but there was only a short sentence he said to her as she was dying once more in front of him.

"Shh, You should sleep now. I haven't forgotten you at all, I promise you I won't, but you're dead. And can't be revived, so please just rest." He said.

"Now I realize what you said to me that day Milim." Rimuru thought as he was going through the trial.


"You really care about this place? Rimuru?"
Milim asked.

"Of course, After all I built this place with the people I care about."
Rimuru replied.

"Aren't you scared? Sometimes, I feel that way. The most precious things are always small and fragile. Once this place falls apart you won't be the current you anymore." She said.


"I didn't want to admit it, Milim. But you are right, after I heard those words from you. My people got killed, but I managed to regain control of myself and stay calm, because there was hope of reviving them. But what if it was did not work? I would be a complete shell of my former self. I would be a tyrant, a cold-hearted Person you once recognized as you friend. Everyone I knew might have had to turn on me. But there was one thing I realized as well, if the precious things you cared about die. Then letting that person rest and live on with His Or Her legacy. Is probably the best option. I can't mourn forever if that happens. That's why-"

He held out his hand and said.

⟨⟨Void God Azathoth⟩⟩

He caster this skill to devour all the illusions before him.

"Before anything like what is inside this illusion happens, I'll stop it." He thought.

Then his chest felt pain, it was like something went inside him with tremendous amount of weight.

Ceil woke up shortly before this happened and went back inside Rimuru's body.

<<Master I am sorry for not talking, I was inside you for the last 45 minutes.>>

"Ah great, Ciel what happening?" Rimuru was clenching his heart because of the pain.

<<Master, you're regaining your powers. EVOLUTION process will start now. I'll ask you, will you accept this power and become the highest being?>> Ciel asked.

"Y-Yes" Rimuru answered with determination despite the pain in his heart.

<<Notice, Evolution starting. Readjusting the Current body so that it would be compatible with the power Successful..>>

<<Immunity That has been Aquired-, Failed.
Host is already evolved to the point that hurting this individual is Impossible.>>

<<Skills will be ReAquired-. Failed.
All skills that exist within every being that is alive or dead, Human and other creatures is now, in the Host's hands.>>

<<Obtained skills From the past will be Reobtained.>>

<< ⟨⟨Creator of Destiny Agathon⟩⟩
      ⟨⟨Creator Of Life Osiris⟩⟩ >>

<< All connected to the Host will Now try to evolve, Processing. Anonymously Evolved those who are connected to the Host. Successful.>>

This was the start of Rimuru's reign

<< The Host Will now have the Title,
  God Of Gods
  God Of All life >>

It was a sign, a message that-

A war is brewing, As he was evolving something was also happening:


"Iyaahhh! Destroying that planet was really bothersome." A cute girl with Black Long Hair, and White skin said.

"Well considering you did your Job despite how lazy you are is surprising." A huge muscular man said.

"But isn't it too boring tho? I mean look at the creatures now! All of them are so weak. I remember them being so strong that we couldn't even win if we started an unnecessary war." A kid with short hair, with a very foul attitude said.

"Shut up you three, you are in the presence of his Majesty. What do you say about what is happening? Our lord?" A tall guy with glasses said.

As he said that Aura vibrated the whole place they were in. The guy who was releasing it had a look of a teenager, with black hair. He said to the four.

"He's alive! I feel it! His power! It's even stronger than before! And I was wondering where he was all this time!!? Damn you! Rey! You didn't give me Ciel now even giving a little bit of the things you created you still stand in my way!" He said this as his voice Revered in the whole place.

"The four of you. Move now, we have no time to waste. This is my opportunity to become more powerful than him we can't afford to miss it."

He said that as he was slowly revealing him self.

"As you wish. Our lord Drak."

The four bowed and disappeared.

I wonder what cards do you have against me? My twin brother.


(EN(AU)): Hi guys!! Thank you for staying with me!! I really appreciate it. Now I'm not saying this because I'm quitting, something has been on my mind and I've been thinking about making another fanfic about tensura, so give suggestions. About what you like, feel free to say your suggestions no one will judge it. It's just I am absolutely having a blast at making this and I'm enjoying it. Anyways that's all!!!! Enjoy this chapter.

⟨⟨Rimuru's Conquest⟩⟩ {Ended}Where stories live. Discover now