Lord of Black.

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"Hands off." Rimuru's voice Revered in the whole area.

He was completely out of their level.

Rimuru picked up Milim who was unconscious, she suffered enough.

"Ciel, I trust you can take care of her?" Rimuru asked Ciel.

<< Yes Master! With pleasure!>>

"Good. I believe in you."

Ciel then separated from Rimuru's body and carried Milim out of the battlefield.

<<I'll still guide you master, if you need it. I still have my consciousness in your head.>>

"Got it."

She then left Rimuru to evacuate Milim.

"Now, you impudent shitheads."
Rimuru glared coldly at the two creatures who tried to kill Milim.

His aura was leaking, it was so sharp that it was able to cut Vanessa's hand of and prevent it from regenerating.

"What the—?!" She didn't expect this one. She knew she didn't stand against him, but for him to arrive so fast, it was unbelievable.

Sol was quick to get up from the rubbles of the destroyed planet they were already at a huge disadvantage.

"Rokuro! We are leaving! Leave that guy now! Safety is our priority!" Sol shouted to Rokuro.

"What do you think I'm about to do?!" Vanessa, Sol looked towards where Rokuro was.

Guy was already beaten, since Rokuro was the second strongest out of their group. It was only natural.

Rokuro left Guy's unconscious body and flew away from the scene.

Sol and Vanessa quickly followed.

"Damnit! They are going to escape Rimuru-sama!" Benimaru said.

"What's up with this barrier they set up? We can't destroy it no matter how we do it!" Shion clenched her teeth in rage.

Rimuru, who wasn't surprised by this action just stood still.

No, he didn't do that because it was futile catching up to them.

It was because no matter where they go or how far they fled, they will always die for laying their hands on something he cares about.

While his subordinates were all hopeless, and Ciel healing Milim and was far away from the battle-

Rimuru was all alone now, and with his enemies running away. This got him more annoyed.

Rimuru released more Aura of his.

Because of this the range of the affected area widened it's range.

Even destroying the barrier that trapped his friends and subordinates.

And because of Rimuru's newly ReAquired skill he obtained which was.

⟨⟨ Creator of Life Osiris ⟩⟩

That had the power to create new being, make Living creatures possible.

But it also had the effect that healed those who are injured, if they are somehow connected with the caster of this skill.

Which basically meant Rimuru could heal all his comrades in a single glance.

But to Rimuru, this wasn't the time to brag about his supernatural skills and physical powers.

They were still fighting. It won't be long until the enemies he wanted to kill, would eventually get away.

⟨⟨Rimuru's Conquest⟩⟩ {Ended}Where stories live. Discover now