"It's almost like you hate me.."

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Tw: ab_se/bullying

It's been about 8 years since Quackity and Shlatt had first met. They both turned 12 this year and were already planning out the biggest parties for when they turn 13.

"I'm gonna do this thing with you and my fami-" "Yeah yeah anyways let's talk about MY party" Shlatt jumped in. Quackity didn't mind this. It's a usual thing that Shlatt does.

The only reason why Quackity let's things like this slide is because he has been growing a crush on Shlatt. He won't tell anyone though, because one, he doesn't want people knowing he was a guy that liked his gender and two, Shlatt was his only friend so he had no one else to tell anyways.

A month passes by and Shlatt started to be more.. aggressive with Quackity. Things like slapping, punching, and scratching would be normal things to Quackity now. Sometimes the scratches would be deep and end up making him bleed.

As more time passed, it started getting worse. Shlatt would throw Quackity around and into lockers, telling him that he wasn't good enough. He would then get his other friends to throw him around as well. But Quackity saw all of this as "boys play," not bullying.

Then the day finally came, Quackity's 13th birthday. He was so excited to go to school and tell Shlatt about how he is finally a teenager. Well.. it didn't go all as planned.

"Hey Shlatt! My 13th birthday is today and I'm so excited-" "CAN YOU PLEASE BE QUIET FOR ONE SECOND?" Shlatt snapped at Quackity. His heart dropped and Quackity scratched the back of his neck nervously, "Wow, that sounded like you were really mad. It's almost like you hate me, heh.."

Shlatt then went on with his day without telling Quackity happy birthday, he didn't even acknowledge him at all. At the end of the day, Quackity started heading towards Shlatt. Before he could make it there, a friend of Shlatt's tripped Quackity. "Oops, my bad," he said then laughed. Shlatt walked over to Quackity and reached his hand out. "Thank you Shlatt-" to his surprise, Shlatt brought his arm back then slapped him. Following that, he kneeled down and scratched his cheek, causing him to bleed.

Quackity went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. There was a bump on his head from when he tripped. He then put a big bandaid over his cut and walked out. He then walked home and without hesitation, his mother came running to him.

"Oh my god, Alex what happened?" she exclaimed. "It's nothing mom, this kid just tripped me that's all.." he said nervously. "You've been coming home hurt almost everyday, I want you to explain to me what has been going on," she demanded. At least she cares.. Quackity had thought. He explained everything that has been happening over the past year and she couldn't handle it. She grabbed Quackity's arm, dragged him to the car, and they drove off.

They soon arrived at Shlatts house, not what Quackity was hoping. They both got out of the car and his mom BANGED on the door, like she was the police. Shlatt's mom opened the door. "why hello there Mrs-" she got interupted by a very angry mother. "YOU NEED TO TALK TO YOUR D@MN SON CAUSE HE HAS BEEN HURTING MY CHILD FOR OVER A YEAR." she yelled at the top of her lungs.

That talk felt like it went on for hours. Quackity sat at least 10 feet away from Shlatt, who was giving the other dirty looks. Quackity spaced out and before he knew it. "Alex, let's go, we can't stay here any longer."

Quackity got home and went straight to bed because of his massive headache. When he woke up, he saw luggages all around him..


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