When I'm with you

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Once we got to Washington, we stayed in an hotel and looked up where the ITEX headquarters was. Turns out its on the outskirts and we have to fly at least 3 hours to get there
"I don't wanna fly" Angel complained
"Me neither" Gazzy added
"Well then, Iggy, stay with Gazzy and Angel while, Fang, Nudge, Phil and I go to get Dan back." Max suggested
"Oh yeah ok, let the blind teen look after the kids, like I'm good at doing that"
"Jeez okay, I was only being sarcastic" Iggy snapped
"Right so we leave tomorrow morning"
Once we woke up, Max, Fang, Nudge and I got dressed and flew off the balcony. It was about 5 in the morning so hardly anyone was out and wouldn't see us.
We got hungry, so we made a stop to Wendy's pancake place and got some breakfast.
"This is some really good food" nudge said stuffed with pancakes
"Nudge don't talk with your mouth open" Max ordered
"Sorry, it's just so good" Nudge swallowed
"Let's make a move then" I suggested "I'll pay for the food"
Once we payed we flew off again, no civilisation for miles in the desert,
So we had to be quick and get there before anyone important got into ITEX and started torturing Dan.
Dans pov

It's been at least 58 days since I've been captured, I know I'm not dead anymore, but I soon will be. With the way they're testing me, its torture, everyday

Oh phil

Where in the world are

Phils pov

"Got the bombs?" I asked
"Yup" Fang confirmed
"Okay, once we get there I need you to place the bomb on the certain place of where they're keeping Dan. The. Let the bomb rip and I'll use this sword to get them and kill them. Trust me I won't go mad. Then we grab Dan and get to the hotel. Get the earliest flight in Washington airport and get back to England okay?"
"Okay" they all said simultaneously.

Then the plan went into action

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