Chapter 1

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I was always "the outsider" or the "weird kid", from the first day i went to kindergarden, until now, in my senior year of high school. I never realy belonged anywhere.

for example:

In kindergarden, while the boys where playing foodbal, I was with the girls, making braids in there hair. The boys called me a weirdo and a freak, but I coudn't help it. I just didn't like any sports, but i did like hanging out with the girls. They were more fun and A LOT nicer than most of the boys were. We acted out all thouse amazing programs we used to watch before bedtime and ofcours the girls didn't minde me playing along becouse they often needed a boy in there play and no one of the girls wanted to do it. They didn't really care.

Than, in elemenatry school, I spended most of my time allone. Locked up in the restroom, hiding in the closed of the porter, in the back of the class,... When I wore tide clothes, the people called me a twat. For a while my hair was longer than most boys', people called me a girl. And so it went six years long. Some kids bullied me. Other childeren just avoided me. It wasn't cool to be seen with me. Sometimes there where people who feared to talk to me. After that they would get bullied too. They dropped me when they realized i was the source of the sudden 'meanness' of the others. Every time i came closse to them they looked at me with a loathing look, then they runned away quickly. That's how it went every singel time. I felt like a freacking alien!

There also where those days where the bullying went so far, i runed back inside from the playgroud, crying. Then i hid unther the stairs that only the teachers used or somewhere els. There i stayed for the rest of the time until the bell rang or sometimes even longer. Most of the teachers didn't cear, they thoughed it wasn't that bad. There where always those kids who got bullied. But this was worse than the normal cases, for those children it would stop. That wasn't my case tho. Althrough, now I think of it, there was this one teacher. She was my teacher in 3th grade and she knew what was going on. She knew everything. The times that she went to the playground to pic my class up to go to the clasroom and she noticed that i wasn't there, she looked at every singel one of the childeren with a look that was abel to kill and then she runned of to look for me, leaving all the others behind. She knew all my hiding spots.

I remeber this one time that i was hidding on the roof. I was sitting with my leggs over the edge. No, i didn't want to jump. I woudn't give those children that honnor. But it was relaxing to sit there with only the noice of the birts and the cars in the distens. My teacher opened the door that gave axes to the roof in a hurry. She almost had a hart attack seeing me sitting there. She has never seen me there befor, so she really thoughed i woud jump. She came closser with slow passes. When she was two feet away from the egge she sad: "Troye, pleas deary, go away from there, you can fall!" I didn't anser. That was normal. She always talked to me but i never talked back. I didn't want to. Why? Simple, I had a realy high voice, another thing where they bulied me with, and because of that i didn't speak that often. I didn't want people to laugh with me. After a couple seconds where she was just staring at me, she desided to go and sit next to me. I coud see the fear in her eyes. At that point i didn't notice the danger of sitting there. Now i start laughing because she probably was insanly afraid of hights. Back then i just thoughed that she was a pussy. "It's actualy nice to sit here, isn't it?" She sad after a while. I nodded my head. Indeed, it was very nice. "Troye?" she turened her head to look at me. I looked her in the eye with a questioning look. "Don't you wanna come back inside with me? I can talk to the class about this if you want." i looked away. A shiver going down my spine. If she talked to them, they would never leave me alone, i thoughed. And for one of the rare times i sad something: "Please don't tell them they got me this far, it woud only make them more confident to really puch me over the egge." literally. She nodded her head. "Okay, but please just come inside with me because it's freezing cold!" I giggled a little because she wrinkled her nose up and it looked really funny. To answer i stud up and walked to the door. She came afther me and I held the door open for her. "Thank you, you little gentelman", that was the last thing she sad befor walking to the class. she gave me a wink before walking into the classroom. I winked back without even thinking about it.

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