Chapter 13

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Rachel flicked through the channels, trying to find something interesting. They'd ditched the hotel and rented an apartment in a residential complex instead. The place was huge. She had no idea what Daniel needed three bedrooms for, but the place was comfy, well-furnished, and had a great view, so she didn't complain.

On the way back to Bucharest, Daniel had tried to contact Gabriel, but no one picked up. He'd given up as soon as they got to the apartment. Rachel half-wondered if they should be worried, but was too tired to dwell on the thought.

She came across a movie channel re-airing Gone with the Wind. It was her favorite movie, and it was subtitled, so she snuggled between the couch pillows to watch. All I need is some popcorn.

Daniel's rock-song ringtone jolted back to consciousness. She rubbed sleep away and yawned. Wow, when did I fall asleep? The movie was still on. The sound of running water came from the bathroom.

"Danny, phone!" she yelled. Weird. She'd never called him Danny before, but it came so natural now.

She sat up, but before she could get off the couch, Daniel charged out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel around his hips, water dripping down his back. He grabbed the phone and stuck it to his ear.

"Hello?" He winked at her and headed back to the bathroom. "Yes, it's me. What?" He froze in the threshold, the towel slipping from his fingers. He grabbed it right before it fell too low. 

Rachel frowned and sat straighter. He sounded scared to death.

"You're kidding! You've got to be kidding!" His muscles tensed and he leaned against the jamb. "Yes, I understand, but..." He stared at her with empty eyes while the person on the other end of the line spoke.

As much as she strained, Rachel couldn't make out the words, just the rapid tirade. She raised her eyebrows and tilted her head, silently demanding information, but he didn't pick up on it.

"Isn't there anything you could—?" Daniel exhaled deeply. "Yes, thanks anyway." The phone slipped out of his hand and hit the floor. The battery flew out of it.

"What happened?" She jumped to her feet and rushed to him, but stopped halfway there. He was way too naked for her to get closer.

"Gabriel is dead. That's why he wasn't picking up." Daniel's voice lacked all emotion as he stared out the glass door leading to the balcony.

Her heart skipped a beat. "What? How? Who did you talk to, then?"

"The other guy who voted for our pardon. Gabriel was killed. They don't know how, why, or who did it. But guess who's on top of the suspect list?"

Rachel's anger kicked her shock in the nuts and took its place. "Us? They're blaming us for this?"

She dug her nails into her palms so hard, she drew blood. Getting angry didn't help. She shut her eyes and turned away. Gabriel must've been one of the most powerful Hunters out there. If someone – she suspected Vlad – had managed to kill him, what hope was there for the rest of them?

She opened her eyes and turned back to Daniel, but he was gone. Rummaging noises came from the room he'd called dibs on.

"Daniel?" she pushed the door open. He was buttoning his jeans while seemingly searching for something. "What else did he tell you?" Her voice came out shaky.

"He mumbled something about some elder, and keeping him out of this." He stopped his search, stared at her for a second, then dropped on the bed. "It's awful, Rach. Our whole plan revolved around getting help. But we're on our own. This other guy doesn't have the balls to help us now that Gabriel's dead. I have no idea what to do."

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