Chapter 14

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Rachel's stomach tightened into a knot and a bitter taste settled on her tongue as the three vampires approached. They could barely pass for humans. Long hair twisted in wild, dirty tangles around their feral, too sharp faces, and each vampire wore a battered leather coat sweeping his ankles. Rachel swallowed. Meeting these three in a dark alleyway would be scary enough if they were humans, never mind vampires.

Grinning, they closed in, fangs glinting menacingly. One of them said something and his companions roared with laughter. Daniel's arm twitched, still outstretched to contain her. The vampire spoke again, creeping closer. Daniel grabbed her wrist.

They have no idea you're a Hunter, too. They think you're my dinner.

Rachel fought not to frown in confusion. How come? Now that she stopped to think about it, it took the vampires in Paris a long time and a lot of sniffing to realize what she was.

I have no idea, but it suits us just fine. I'll push you away and draw them to me. Shoot the bastards in the back.

Putting on a mask of terror and forcing her knees to shake, she pretended to yank herself out of his grip. I have the pathetic crossbow on me.

Perfect. Daniel shoved her to the ground and leaped back.

Gravel scratched the skin on Rachel's palms as she landed, but she disregarded the pain. Two of the vampires sneered at each other and jumped over the bench, after Daniel. The remaining one strolled toward her, as though he knew she had no chance to escape him. She scrambled back, whimpering, while her hand slipped under her own overcoat and tightened on the handle of the mini-crossbow.

The vampire blurted something out, something that sounded offensive. For the first time, she didn't mind not understanding the language. She hated being taunted by any man, especially filthy, ugly vampires.

"Oh, chica don't understand." His laugh sounded like a car unable to shift into gear.

Rachel whipped out the crossbow and pointed it at the vampire's head. His eyes widened for the fraction of a second it took her to press the trigger. The silver-tipped arrow sank into his forehead. He roared and fell back. Rachel dropped the crossbow and pounced on him, pulling out a stake. She stuck it through his shoulder and pulled out another one.

"I'm a Hunter, too, chica." She impaled his other shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

"Rach, cover me!" Daniel called from behind her.

She jumped over her vampire and grabbed the crossbow off the ground. Daniel ran toward her, his two opponents in hot pursuit, one of them limping, with a stake sticking out of one of his legs. Rachel fired at the other, hitting his stomach. He tumbled to the ground, and his limping companion tripped over him. In the meantime, Daniel inserted the rest of the stakes into her vampire.

Rachel loaded and shot again while Daniel took out his lighter and set fire to the vampire. The other two pulled themselves together and soared toward her and Daniel, their coats flapping in the air like capes.

Rachel placed another arrow in her crossbow, but had no time to fire. Just as the vampires were about to land, Daniel got in front of her. With a swipe of the hand, he sent both of them flying backward. Rachel's jaw dropped. How the hell did he do that?

"Take one. I wanna try something."

Before she could ask, he rushed away and caught one of the monsters in a headlock. He kicked the other one in her direction. The vampire growled and turned back to Daniel.

"Hey, asshole!" Rachel picked up a rock and threw it at his head. "What? Are you scared to fight a girl?"

The vampire snarled something in his language and turned his attention to her. Hand tight around the crossbow, Rachel glanced over her shoulder. The burning fire was just what she needed to end this fast. She backed away toward the flames, making a mocking, come-hither motion with her crossbow-free hand, until she felt the heat right behind her. The vampire ambled toward her, pulling the arrow out of his stomach. Rachel bent her knees. 

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