Lucky | Kuroo T.

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I aggressively enter my key to unlock my house. Once I step in and throw my stuff down and walk into the kitchen to make some comfort food. My coworkers have been absolute assholes today. I have only been working for a sports magazine in the volleyball section for a week and I am already getting bombarded with tons of misogynistic calls and groping. It's ridiculous that we still have to go through stuff like this.

"Babe is that you?" My husband pokes his head into the room and beams up when he sees me. He's honestly the only one keeping me sane right now. He comes up and slaps my ass fueling me with more anger as memories of my coworkers doing it flood my mind.

"Stop Tetsurou, I'm not in the mood." I exhale gripping the counter.

"Aw, why not. Did you have a bad day at work?" he comes up to hug me but I push him away. He stands there confused with his arms out. I usually always lay in his arms when I'm stressed but I just really don't want to be touched.

"Yeah, I don't want to talk about it." I decide to start dinner. Opening the cabinets I see that our pots were missing. Looking to the sink it was full of dishes from the past two nights. I walk over and pull up my sleeves getting ready to wash them all. "You really couldn't have done the dishes today, or helped clean up at all? You have been home for two days doing nothing but sitting on your ass."

"Woah just because you had a bad day at work doesn't mean you get to come home and take it out on me. You are the one who usually does the cleaning so I just left it for you." I drop the dish I was holding, it shatters into tiny pieces on the floor. 'What?' "Babe what the hell."

"No- No Kuroo. What the fuck. You have been home from your meetings for two fucking days. You could have done something to help out. Anything. No, you had to wait till I got back from my 12-hour shift after being harassed all day and just say 'you can do them'. That's not how this works. You are gonna do these damn dishes and make your own dinner tonight or go to bed hungry. I'm so fucking done." I walk into the bedroom and start to strip, putting on some comfy clothes and take off my makeup. I hear the door click shut ignoring the other body in the room I grab my laptop and sit in bed. Typing away on an article I'm supposed to finish I feel the bed dip beside me.

"Y/n..." I still pay no attention. He shut the laptop pissing me off more.

"What Kuroo I-" I turn to him and his eyes were glossy from the tears that wanted to fall. "Are you really crying because I told you to do the dishes?" I scoff at him. 'Unbelievable.'

"You get harassed at work?" His stare was serious, it scares me. I sighed closing my laptop.

"Yes, I know it shouldn't happen, but where I'm working it's gonna happen. Especially since I'm one of few women working the volleyball department." his sniffles get louder.

"I'm sorry y/n. Hearing that breaks me. I should be protecting you or something..."

"Theres nothing you can do. It's not like I can even report it. I've had coworkers fired for even trying to report. I love my job, I've worked so hard to get here. I'm not gonna throw it away like that."

"Do they...grope you." my breath hitches. It's not exactly easy to tell your husband that other men are touching on you. His glossy eyes meet mine waiting for my answer. I nod at him and he clutches my shirt sobbing into my chest.

"I know babe. I know."

The next day I sit at my desk watching the seconds tick by waiting for a lunch break.

"Y/n we need that article on the boss's desk within the next hour." one of my coworkers walks in without warning.

"I already turned it in. I gave it to him this morning." I open my email hoping that he hadn't lost it.

"Well, he's in there complaining that he doesn't have it. You might want to go talk to him." I storm out of the room and open my boss's door.

"Sir I had the article turned in this morning. I put it on your desk." he looks me up and down with lustful eyes. Growing uncomfortable in my dress I sit in the seat provided by him.

"Now Miss Kuroo, I've look and looked but yet I still can't find it." he gets up and makes his way behind me grabbing my shoulders.

"Sir I assure you it was on your desk." My eyes scan over the surface of his desk landing on the green folder labeled "VBA 3-23'. I stand up to grab it leaning over his desk he smacks my ass hard making me yelp.

"Aha, cute. Does your husband hit you like that? Ya know in a pleasurable way." I turn to him if it were cartoon steam would be coming from my ears.

"Sir that was not appropriate. Here is the article. Next time look harder."

"Oh trust me I look pretty hard." he motions down to his crotch where his pants bulged. I look away in disgust. Thankfully the receptionist came in interrupting this nightmare.

"Oh sorry to barge in. Y/n-san you have a visitor. They say it's urgent." I walk out with my boss trailing behind me. To my surprise I see Kuroo standing there with my favorite fast food.

"Babe, what are you doing here?" I ask turning away from him to see my boss. "Sir, this is my husband Tetsurou Kuroo." I smile at him feeling safer as Tetsurou snakes his arm around my waist.

"I came to have lunch with you. I don't have to be in till 2." He gives me a big cheesy grin and leans down to kiss me. I look back to my boss for any kind of reaction I almost laugh at his dumbfounded expression.

"Your husband is the executive manager for our economy supply services? That Kuroo?"

"Did my last name not sound familiar?" I ask innocently.

"Well it did but I would have never guessed aha..." Kuroo glances down and gets a glimpse of what situation I was in. He smirks and pulls me closer.

"Yes sir. I was lucky enough to be married to the beautiful woman right here. Don't you think?" he kisses my head resting his chin on it.

"Well, I would more say she's lucky to be married to you! You're very high up in our corporation arent you aha." he scratches his neck nervously looking for a way out of this conversation, but Tetsurou was not gonna let up.

"Well, I don't know about that. Y/n here has been my best friend since our first year of high school. I'd say she's really helped me to get where I am. I am the lucky one. Now enough about us. It was nice meeting you, sir." Kuroo sticks his hand out to shake, he towers over my boss purposely intimidating him just so he can get his messages through. They shake hands and I and my husband leave for your lunch date.

"Well you showed them did you," I say latching on to his arm as we head out to the car.

"I am the only one who gets a piece of you. Only me."

"Yeah yeah, tough guy. Let's hurry I'm starving."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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