kill the unkillable

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Striker smirked, aiming his rifle
at the owl prince, stolas. just
As he was about to fire, he
Heard a gun click behind him.

"Uh, Excuse me, thE FUCK?"

Blitz glared at the snake imp,
striker smirked and turned around,
"Blitz! I thought you were still at the ceremony?" striker said causally putting down his rifle

"You thought i wanted to stand
around with a bunch of hill billies
excited about corn and shit with
Blitz pointed his gun further at striker

"Hm," striker stood up "Well now
You seem disapointed in me"

"Yeah, well I'm not a fan of someone who i offered a job to about to OFF my easiest lengthiest ticket to earth behind my BACK."

Striker stood up from laying his back on the window, "blitz, come on. you know the two of us are superior than most of our kind" he said as he walked up to blitz, as blitz takes
Steps back

"And you are so ABOVE sucking on a
Disgusting rich pompous Goetia only to sneak topside for scraps and work for bitter sinners who could CARE LESS who you are." with
every word blitz's snarl faltered,
slowly taking in every word of
striker as he watched him circle him around

"When you COULD be slaying overlords" blitz heard striker behind and immediately turns around pointing his gun at him,
"Why struggle to own a buisness that is rigged against you?" blitz listened and frowned

"When you could partner up with me"
Striker immediately pinned blitz to the wall, suprising him
"And kill, THE UNKILLABLE." Striker smiled down at blitz
"Starting with the one who treats you like a plaything" the imp listened, slowly lowering his gun but never moving it away from strikers chest.

"Oh thats kinda hot" blitzo said taking a quick glance at the fact striker pinned him, slightly turned on. (COUGHS)

"We could be the most dangerous beings in hell, blitz." striker said and moved closer to blitz who gulped on how close they were.

"Wow that was a good fucking bitch" blitzo said in response "it works out"
Striker pushed the gun away from his chest "you know what, FUCK IT."

"I'm in"
Blitz smirked, locking eyes with striker.

Striker's smile grew wider as he took blitzo's hand and guided him to the window, he lent blitzo the rifle and blitz positioned the gun to stolas.

[ meanwhile ]

{Author here! So in this story i made millie and moxxie go back to the festival after his injuries were taken care of for the sake of the plot}

"My dear commoners of the ring of wrath" stolas spoke into the mic,
Moxxie watched as he and mille were back seating by the bleachers, he looked around for blitz but couldn't find him anywhere, strange he thought himself but he brushed off the thought and returned his attention back at the stage.

"I, stolas of the goetia here by CURSE this years harvest with the globe,of the true harvest Moon!" he said as the crowd yelled harder as the portal opened up revealing the harvest moon.


Everyone gasped deeply as the owl
Prince fell down, shot. "Oh CRUMBS!" Moxxie yelled as he immediately got up, completely shocked "OH GOD!" Millie yelled as she ran up the stage to check on stolas, who was limp on the floor, everyone descended into chaos as moxxie looked around for blitz, before spotting a gun shine back at the farmhouse

"Millie! Call for help and watch over stolas, I think i know where the shot came from!" moxxie yelled as he ran back to the farmhouse "Be careful!" millie yelled

[ ▫ ❇ ▫ ]

"Holy shit"
Blitzo's eyed widened, taking in what he just did, before he began to descend into a fit of laughter, "damn that fUCKING. FELT. GOOD." blitzo continued to laugh "I FEEL SO FREE!"

"Not so bad blitz" striker joined him, chuckling, then they heard footsteps.
"Shit!" blitzo cursed to himself, placing the gun down, he then felt striker hold his hand and pulled blitzo and jumped out the window "FUUCK!"
Blitzo yelled and shut his eyes close preparing for a impact, that never came.

Blitzo opened his eyes, to find his arms wrapped around strikers neck and his legs wrapped around strikers waist aswell, while striker had his arm out around blitzo's waist, and pulled him closer so blitzo wouldn't fall, blitzo felt his face heat up by the position they were in, Striker had his other arm holding on to ledge down by the window so they wouldn't fall

They heard the door open and someone walk in.
"Holy crumbles." moxxie went in
And softly touched the rifle.
"A Genuine BLESSED TIPPED rifle specifically made to EXTERMINATE OVERLORDS!? HOW THE FUCK DID SOMEONE GET THEIR HANDS ON THESE!?" Moxxie immediately looked around the room.
"BLITZ!? STRIKER!?" Blitzo's grip on striker tighten at the mention of his name, which striker smirked down in response. Moxxie run out the room to inform the others and look for the culprit.

Striker pulled him and blitzo up again, as they got back in he then placed blitzo down, who looked lost and regretful, he held his hand to blitzo, who looked at strikers hand and then locked eyes with him
"Ready?" Striker smiled at blitzo,
Who looked looked in awe for a moment before smiling and holding strikers hand, striker gripped blitzo's hand and with his free hand he grabbed the rifle and run off to the backdoor making sure blitzo was close to him, he opend to backdoor to reveal bombproof and jumped onto the horse's back and brought blitzo with him, blitzo smiled like a child at the fact he was riding bombproof.

Blitzo wrapped his arms on strikers waist and buried his face onto his back, "HEYA!" striker signaled to bombproof as the horse then run further and further and further away from the farmhouse.

Blitzo laughed happily, not noticing striker glancing at him with a smile, striker for some reason liked how happy blitzo was, and he plans to keep it that way.

To be contined


I should've known. [ HELLUVA BOSS ] [ Striker x Blitzo]Where stories live. Discover now