If M/N and his gang were doing the food delivery event

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A/N: This will be a very different writing style because I'm terribly lazy and I would update Prepossession or the normal story line but I have a writer block so umm just enjoy, ig? I really do not know what I write tbh. Also I never played the event so any inaccuracy in this please look over.


First delivery: Deliver food to Hardworking Silio without sprinting, gliding and taking damage. Taken by M/N

M/N: Miss, you serious and I have 1 minute 30 seconds to deliver the food to the Stormbearer Point.

Sara: Yes, I know it's a lot but we really do not have any other hands.

M/N: ...Can I-

Orochi: *bonk his head* Work.

M/N: But-

Orochi: *bonk once again* Do it.

M/N: I-

Orochi: *bonk again* I refuse to stop.

M/N: ...I despise you.

*ended up delivering with no problem but he do not like the idea of walking and thinking that gliding would be faster*


Second delivery: Deliver food to Tacit Tingfang without gliding, taking damage and being affected by any elements. Taken by Aether.

Aether: What do you mean by affect by any element?

Chef Mao: You can't step on water, it ruined the taste.

Aether: *visible confusion* What does my foot had to do with the food?

Paimon: Trust Paimon, food that been affected by the water is nasty.

Aether: ??? I- Okay, whatever. I shall deliver this with no problem.

*Ended up raining on the way there and got a bad review*


Third delivery: Deliver food to Laid Back Ling'guan without taking damage and being affected by any elements. Taken by Astra.

*When arrive at the location*

Astra: That girl is on a boat but I can't swim... I guess I'll just call her from here then. MISS LING'GUAN! I HAVE YOUR FOOD!

Ling'guan who is very far and only heard Astra call her: WHAT?



Astra: *is confused* What- I SAY FOOD! I HAVE YOUR FOOD NOT NUDE


Astra: This delusional bitch-

*when on for an hour and Astra almost got arrested for accused murder, sexual harassments and robbery*


Fourth delivery: Deliver food to Tacit Tingfang without sprinting and taking damage. Taken by Cora.

Cora: How the fuck am I not supposed to sprint when this guy is on the other side of that fucking island? 

Cora: If I was an Abyss Mage, this wouldn't be a problem since I can teleport but... fuck this Abyss Herald. Why anyone want to be an Abyss Herald? It's not fun at all, in fact, their fashion style is the worst-

*he continued to rant about why Abyss Mage is better than Abyss Herald while he walked his way there since he is aa Cryo Abyss Herald (I want to believe this is real- please) and arrive towards Tacit Tingfang*

Cora: Can you believe it, sir?

Tacit Tingfang: *Is in confusion* What?

Cora: You just had to waste 30 minutes of my time trying to get here and talking to myself while I'm bringing your food to you. I could have spend this time making a snowman for M/N or reading book about reincarnating as hilichurl by only eating sunsettias but no, I have to work for this shitty thing call Mora because apparently almost everything cost for it. Even going to public toilet cost 50 Mora and that's expensive like isn't the janitor was supposed to be paid by the manager not by the random citizen who need to use of toilet. Now pay up before I kill you.

Tacit Tingfang: ...Here and get some rest.

Cora: Thank you. *continues to ramble to himself while making his way back*


Fifth delivery: Deliver the food to Curious Zi'rui without gliding and being affected by any elements. Taken by Paimon.

Paimon: Why does Paimon have to do this?

Aether: Because you don't count as gliding. You are flying and floating so that make you easily reached him there.

Paimon: ....But-

Aether: Do it for the Mora.

Paimon: Hmm...

Aether: With Mora you could buy anything you want.

Paimon: ...Fine.

*the food was ruin the moment Paimon touched the food because apparent she count as gliding*


Sixth delivery: Deliver food to Slacking Angelo without sprinting, taking damage and affected by elements. Taken by Osial.

Osial: By I have natural wet, slimy hand.

Sara: ...How about wearing gloves?

Osial: I... Fine.

*while delivering the food*

A random ass Whopperflower: *appear in front of him* Hola baby boy

Osial: Don't. Don't you dare-

A random ass Whopperflower: *smug face before charging up*

Osial: I hate life. I hate everything. Who made a great idea to make that piece of shit exist. *walk as fast as he could with the help of his tentacles to speed up*

*ended up getting hit and also slapped by the customer for trying to deliver the ruined food*


Last delivery: Deliver the food to Laid Back Ling'guan without sprinting or affected by elements. Taken by Orochi.

Orochi: Oh this motherfucker. Why the fuck you stand next to a fucking waterfall? You know what?

*he glided there before while flying above her*

Orochi: Heads up, bitch! *drop the food from the sky*

Ling'guan: *confused before looking* What the- *being splattered by the food in the face*

*Orochi got filed complain but he do not care as he simply could exist in M/N's head*


Idk why I write this but if you want more of this feel free to ask!

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