A deck.

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Hunter was sat in the classroom with both his arms under his chin, aimlessly reading listening to what the teacher was saying.

Nightmare was having a conversation with Cross, whilst a tentacle of his was massaging his shoulder.

Horror was doing a card stack, and Killer as well as Dust were helping him do it.

Osomatsu really couldn't care less of what they were doing even if he was the teacher.

Yet he still needed answers from them. To be sure that he was doing his job correctly.

"Nightmare. You mind answering this question I have on the board--"

"The bullet will ricochet due to the moist and round area which is the tunnel they are in and has a thirty three point thirty three chance to hit either the one who fires or the one he shoots, or the most possible one is that it hits a wall or floor. That is if it even aims correctly." Nightmare answered with a high voice, but didn't even bat an eye as he continued massaging Cross' shoulders.

Horror snorted hearing that, making the cards collapse. Both Dust and Killer groaned "I can't believe you've done this." Killer glares at him.

Osomatsu had an open mouth and whistled "Yep. Listening perfectly. Anyways... With that answer..." He went back to teaching.

Hunter was also listening but was just thinking instead of actually raising his hand to answer.

His thoughts were still on Pastel that he had met a week ago. He still wanted to learn a bit more about him.

Without of course attracting attention to himself that is.

"Hunter!" Horror whispered and made him turn around "Yeah?" He responds. Horror raises a card up "Turn your chair around and face here, join us in our charade of cards--"

Horror had his head smacked by Dust "Little shit now we have to start all over because of you." Dust's eye twitch.

Hunter also jumped a bit when it happened because it made a sound. Which usually indicates that it actually hurt.

"Well if Hunter is here then we should be four times faster ehhh?" Horror finger gunned Dust who scoffed.

Hunter ended up facing them and was now playing with them. Though he was next to Horror.

Osomatsu looked at them and sighed "If you guys are gonna do that then could you guys keep it down a bit?" He told them. Horror raises a thumbs up at him.

"Say, Horror. You mind if I ask a question?" Hunter said, holding a card up and stacked it.

Horror hummed "Sure man."

Pausing for a moment, Hunter coughed "You know anything much about Pastel? You hang out with Lust so..."

Horror snickers "Why do you ask? Oh. Do you like him?"

Dust suddenly choked making the card stack fall again. Killer's eye twitched before smacking his head "Now it's your fault you idiot."

"Killer both of them are right next to us how can you be so blatant with this."

"Maybe it's because I don't mind. Now start it over again or I'm shoving these in your mouth."

Hunter and Horror watched the both of them quietly mutter things to each other before Dust finally decided to start stacking again.

After that, Horror shook his head, grabbing a card "Well both you and him just transferred here so I don't really know much about you either. Though if you do remember about them having a thing right?"

"Thing? You mean those images about them? What were they anyway." Hunter helps stack a card and is successful.

Horror shrugged "Just images of them both in revealing outfits and on stages. You know, dancer things."

Suddenly the card stack fell once more. This time it was Killer who did it and he had a poker face.

Dust tapped on his desk before basically slapping Killer's head "Now look what you did!"

"You know you two can talk about with without us in earshot right...?" Killer mumbled not even minding what Dust did. And Horror chuckled "Up to you two if you want to listen."


Osomatsu looks at the clock and awed "Class is over guys. Totty will be your next teacher."

"Hey teach, how does it feel to work with your brother? More so brothers." Nightmare asked, and Osomatsu rubbed the bottom of his nose before laughing.

"First of all, this is the only job that I've had for so long. Second, feels wonderful. At least I don't have to be separated from them." His laughter died down "Hopefully we don't..."

The entire class went silent hearing that.

Osomatsu placed both his hands behind his head "Well you guys should be off now. I'm out." He left the classroom.

For once Nightmare didn't make a joke but stayed quiet, now a hand on top of Cross' skull.

"Nightmare why are you suddenly massaging me?" Cross asked, and Nightmare hummed, scrolling through his phone now "Cause I felt like it. Issues?"

Cross smiled, leaning into his touch. "Not at all."

Killer whistles "How cute." He says, making Cross poke his tongue out.

Horror claps his hands "Anyways you wanna learn more? Come with me I wanna go get some food." He stood up, Hunter did the same.

"I might as well..."

. . .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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