Chapter 1- We meet again...

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WilburSoot POV:

I was staring. Staring into the black abyss. Nothing lived down here. Everything was dull and dead. Not a single thing had a heart that thumped. Not even me. Betrayed by my own father... Slaughtered, Tortured some say. But.. I begged him to.

"PHIL. Kill me. Phil stab me with the sword, murder me Phil.."
"I-I cant- YOUR MY SON! No matter what you do- I-"

The words of my past faded away, being replaced by metal scraping on metal at a rapid pace. It was a train.

Wait.. A train?

The lights became visible, and they got brighter and brighter. I squinted my eyes and tried to keep them open. It pulled up infront of me. A.. Disoriented, befuddled version of me fell out, tears streaming down his face, almost looking like it was burning him.. I stared down at him. He sobbed and screamed in agony. He was holding his chest, and blue liquid, which I'm guessing was his blood, leaked out from it. It was a sword wound. I shook my head and sighed. Then I looked up at the train. There was a man standing at the door. A mean with dirty blonde hair, and a mask with a smile, that lead from one end to the other.

It was Dream.

"Took you long enough" I smirked and stared into the black holes that replaced his eyes.

"Well, I had some troubles." He shrugged. Then he lend a hand out to me. My smile became wider as I grabbed hold of him, gripping him tight. Dream put his hand on his mask, and pulled it off. I looked at him, into his beautiful, emerald eyes. MY HERO. My beloved.. Saving me from my undeserved fate.

"Well.. No time to waste~" He slurred, and closed the doors. He started the train. A scream came from behind, and when I looked out the window, Ghostbur was chasing after the train, crying in sadness and regret.
"PLEASE! PLEASE NO! IM BEGGING YOU!" He cried. The blood from his wound was pouring out, and his chest stopped thumping. Tears streamed down his face. He shook his head.
"Please.." He wimpered and fell to the ground, I assume passing out. I laughed hystericaly. I had felt nothing, for 13 AND A HALF YEARS. But now.. Now I felt.. Alive. I could feel myself. I could hear my heart thumping again! I chuckled and went back to the front of the train.

Tommyinnit POV:

I shook my head in disbelief. He...
He was gone. Sam shouted at Tommy to stand back, grabbed his netherite axe and made his way over to the cell. The door opened.
Sam fell to the ground and started crawling backwards, constantly shaking his head and repeating the word 'no' over and over again.

"SAM WHAT IS IT" I called. I expected his voice to return, but instead, I was greeted with a deeper, darker voice. One I hear constantly in my head. One that made my spine crunch in horror. One that made my life a living nightmare.

"Tommy, Tommy, Tommy...
We meet again."


Hi guys, I hope you enjoyed the first bit! I will gradually get more into Dreambur, but most of this story will be about Wilbur and Dream working together, not too much shipping. But there will be some I promise! Also the following chapters will be longer, I am aware this is quite short. Well, until the next upload.

I wish you all a good day/night!

606 words, including A/N
Bye all

A new beginning- A Dreambur fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now