At the Cafeteria....

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Annabeth Pov

We were on our way to school we met Frank and Leo.

"Hi Beauty Queen"Leo told to Piper. Piper chuckled and replied "Hi Leo".

Leo asked "It takes still 1 hr for the school to start aren't we early?"

I told "Yes I think we are"

After a couple of minutes I got a message to my phone.


Ms. Scarlett (Our girls dormitory supervisor)

Could you come to you dorm with your roommate? We are changing the rooms.

I told to Piper about the message.
She groaned "Should we walk again to the dorm?" I told "I guess".

Just before we leave Frank got a message on his phone.


Mr. Phil

Frank I would like to meet u and Leo in my office now.

Frank told "I guess me and Leo also must leave.... See you guys at school"
He waved his hand as we walked.

Leo yelled "Bye girls".
We waved our hands and told "Bye".

Piper Pov

After a long time of walking we reached our dorm.

We both went to the common room.
Where we found Ms. Scarlett, Katie and Rachel with their bags packed.

Ms. Scarlett began "Katie and Rachel will be moving to C6 dorm we will find other roommates for you two by the evening. If u want to change ur rooms come to my office."

I looked at Annabeth she nodded and told "Ms. Scarlett we are okay with this dorm"

Ms. Scarlett nodded and replied "Well then good. You will meet ur new roommates by today evening. Looks like u guys have go to the school."

I told "Yes. Can we leave Ms. Scarlett"

She replied "Yes you can and good luck to your first day"

Annabeth told "Thank you Ms. Scarlett"

We told bye to Katie and Rachel and left to school.

Leo Pov

I was worried and wondering why did Mr. Phil call us to his office.

We reached the office.

Frank opened the door and asked "Can we come in Mr. Phil"
Mr. Phil nodded and said "Come in Frank and Leo".

He started "Since yesterday's incident you guys need a new dorm to stay."

We both nodded.

He continued "Well you guys must share the dorm with anyone who has vacancy. I will let you know by evening. You guys can leave"

Frank said "Thank you Mr. Phil"
He hit me slightly with his elbow I understood and said "Thank you Mr. Phil"

He nodded we both left his office. For me it felt like I had just left the hell.
Mr. Phil was always strict and was famous for sending letters to the school and our parents regarding "students misbehaving".

We both made our way to school before it gets late.

At the school.

Annabeth and Piper walked near their lockers and placed their bags they were chatting with each other when Leo came rushing.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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