I - Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Distantly, he could hear the sound of George and Sapnap whooping, mixed with the sound of Dream's shouts. He could hear Wilbur yelling for them to run, to get to the bunker. He could hear the sound of his nation exploding around him.

But all of that was drowned out beneath the sound of his heartbeat.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

How could there be so many explosions going off? Wasn't it just one bundle of TNT? Where was all the other ones coming from?

His eyes widened as the dirt beneath his feet burst like a bubble, spraying him with the soil. "Tommy!" Tubbo yelped. A hand grabbed him and tugged him to the side as the rest of the bundle went off, completely destroying the place where he had just been standing.

Another set of hands pushed his back, sending him stumbling forwards. Tubbo grabbed his arm to stabilize him. "Go!"


Tommy hurried towards the furtherest corner of the wall surrounding L'Manberg, flinging open the trapdoor and making his way down the rope ladder. Seconds later, he felt the weight of Tubbo above him, then Wilbur.

"Wait!" he shouted. "Where's Fundy?"

"Here!" Fundy squeaked from somewhere above Wilbur. There was the sound of the trapdoor being closed, the grating noise echoing through the tight chamber. "Go down! C'mon, move!"

Tommy's hands fumbled as he made his way down the rungs, gripping the ropes tightly. He kept moving down. His foot slipped, making his fingers spasm in a desperate attempt to make up for the mistake, but he lost his grip, and suddenly he was falling.


The ground rushed up to meet him. The force of hitting his back against the hard cement, pushing all the air out of his lungs.

"Tommy!" Wilbur yelled. Tubbo dropped down beside him, pressing his hand on his chest.

"Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

Tommy coughed and grunted, rolling onto his side. "Fine. I-is everyone down?"

"Niki and Jack are in the city," Wilbur said. "It's just us four. Do you reckon Dream will target them when they come back?"

Tubbo shook his head. "His feud is against us, the core of L'Manberg. At least they won't be caught in the crossfire for now."

The distant sound of a stray explosion going off made Tommy's heart jump. He gritted his teeth as Wilbur helped him up onto his feet, wincing at the pain in his back. He had hit his spine pretty hard. Maybe if it had been harder he'd be paralyzed.

Would Dream dare to lay a finger on a paralyzed person?

"Tubbo," Tommy grunted. The boy met his gaze, worry clear in them. "Listen to me, man. I'm gonna die."

Tubbo's eyes widened. "W-what? Why?"

"Wilbur," Tommy said, turning his gaze to the man. "Wilbur, I want you to look after Henry when I'm gone."

Wilbur scowled. "If you're dying, why aren't you stuttering?"


The fox man glanced up at him. "Hm?"

"Fundy, I just want you to say two words to me."


Tommy beckoned him over. Fundy rolled his eyes and leaned in close. "Fundy," Tommy whispered. "I know you need to get it out of your system. Say it with me: 'I'm a furry.'"

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