Chapter 28: V&V pt.3

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this chapter is going to be chopped up into days, they've already been on vacation for like two or three days so I'll start at day 3

Day 3: The Birthday Dinner

Esperanza Helena Nuñez

"Bitch and then what happened?" I whispered as we all sat in the sauna, Sy was telling us about what happened last night on the boat and then in her room.

"Y'all had sex?" Yena asked "Girl, no" Sy said with her face turned up "you got head?" I asked "girl, NO" she said irritated "you gave head?" I asked clearly giving up "you bitches get on my nerves we ain't do anything nasty" she said laughing.

"Okay so what did y'all do?" Riiah asked giving up just like me "nothing, we just cuddled" she smiled small "and we smoked, a lot actually" she said remembering.

"Okay and what happened before that? Bitch we want all the details like why are you not spilling" I said fed up at this point. "Alright so after Dee bust in the bathroom on us" she said, damn I felt so bad. I couldn't believe when Ceivonni was telling me what Semaad told him about what happened "first of all he's mad fucked up for that what did he say exactly?" Yena asked "it was probably just some ignorant shit, finish telling us about Semaad Sy" I changed the subject "and after y'all all started dancing we just walked up and down the deck talking about everything that came to mind I guess" she smiled in my direction closing her eyes.

I knew she was mentally thanking me so when she opened her eyes I blew her a kiss. "Okay and then he came in your room and kissed you? And cuddled with you? Is mad sweet" Riiah cooed making us all agree "and lit her up don't forget the weed, we stan some great za!!" Yena said making Sy bust out laughing.

"Ow, my sides hurt" she screamed after laughing for three minutes straight, she shot up "omg, I have a blunt" she said calmly walking out of the sauna to her bag.

"She said she got a blunt?" Riiah asked looking around making me laugh, I danced in my seat when I saw Sy coming back "we can smoke in here?" I asked "girl I really don't give a fuck" Riiah said moving closer to Sy "I'm not feening to smoke, but let's just say I pumped enough for me to enjoy myself on this vacation" she said making Sy laugh "and if they run out, I gave them formula so my baby better be fine, they better not run out I pumped myself dry making those" she scoffed "here, you busy talking we done all got close AND I'm tryna pass it" Sy straight faced her making me and yena laugh "I'm sorry, why you ain't say something bitch" she said taking the blunt "so how is everyone doing so far? Like are we having fun what's up?" I asked as the blunt went around.

"I'm not going to lie, I feel like this is exactly what me and Armani needed because and don't get me wrong I love y'all but I do love my man and we're getting more quality time with him. Like we're all together but we barely do little stuff like this we be in our rooms until our plans for the day ready, no kids just relaxation and I'm feeling that" Riiah sighed "same here, me and dell just been having sex honestly it's been so good but that's all we been doing. We went to the boat but other than that ion know, it's the fucking and the time spent with y'all for me tbh bc we barely been together but I'm enjoying myself regardless" yena agreed making Riiah, Sy and I scrunch our face at the same time. "Um yea I'm not really having the best time but I like semaad now wtf you mean y'all not spending time together?" Sy asked taking the blunt from me and taking a pull

"Yea, I was finna ask the same shit fuck me im having a ball!" I said turning my attention to my sister "Sy said she like semaad" yena said smiling "we heard that, why y'all not spending time together?" I asked getting aggravated now "just like how I said it I don't want to make shit about me I thought we was talking about how the trip was going the fuck" she rolled her eyes catching an attitude.

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