Chapter 15

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One Month Later...

Tyrese James

Everything had gone downhill. We were all having a good ass time eating, drinking, or whatever. Why did Brit have to open her mouth and say something. Then everyone else had the need to say something too. It was like everybody gang up in Mel night our something. We all know how Mel can get. I didn't say shit 'cause I loved my life and wanted to see my kids have kids.

"Mel you are a bitch and we sick and tired of your slick ass mouth. Everything that comes out your mouth be slick or nonchalant." Quinta chimed in.

"Read my lips, I don't give a fuck. Every since y'all met me I've been like this, if you didn't like it you could've just stopped fucking with me or said something, but you didn't! Y'all had years to call this shit quits, but didn't! Y'all putting my business out here like it ain't shit. I ain't been shit but loyal to y'all hoes, but you know what? I'm not about to stoop to y'all level 'cause y'all just want attention and I don't promote hoes, by giving them free promotion. But thanks to y'all big ass mouths everyone knows my business. So thanks for the free promotion." Mel said too calmly. It all started 'cause Mel had told Brit to eat something that's not a salad because she didn't need to starve herself. Which we all agreed, but she got slick and was throwing shade at Mel only and shit hit the fan.


"You can at least try to not be mean and not talk shit. You act you perfect 'cause yo daddy got a little money and you don't have to want for shit. You ain't nothing, but a bitch to me and everyone else, including Ty." Dre said. I looked at Dre, then Mel.

Oh Lord. Why he put me in this?

"Really Dre? You wanna bring up somebody daddy into this. When- You know what? After all these years I have been there for you and you turning on me, huh? Dre? For real though? All y'all fake as fuck and don't mean shit to me, if that's the case. Y'all can have this shit." Mel said.

This shit is not going to turn out well for none of us.

Teara Johnson

I had honestly felt bad for how everything was going right now, but this ain't have shit to do with me and I wasn't getting in the middle of this, plus I loved my life. I seen how bad she fucked Apples up. I can fight, but the way she beat Apples ass made me second guess myself. They just went back and forward. But it didn't have to escalate to this. It really didn't.

Melanie Wright

Ever since I got here they all seemed a little standoffish, like they have been for a few weeks now, but I ignored it. They been hanging around the "new neighbors" and just been forgetting about me or dissing me for them. Hell even their kids don't even come over to play with mine anymore. I don't care what secrets they have or what they doing. That's not my business to tell. Hell I could've been told Dre the reason why Quinta wasn't pregnant or becoming pregnant any time soon. I could've told Mike about Brit's debt. I could've told Brit about Mike losing his job. I could've told Quinta about Dre still not trusting her and not knowing if their relationship was going to make it. I could've said a lot of shit, but I didn't. I wasn't going to tell some random people their secrets, but they told these random people mine. It's a secret for a reason. My secrets weren't nothing bad, but damn I confined in you for a reason. Yeah I might be mean, but that's just me. That's who I am. They had years to address the situation with me, but instead they harbored their feelings. If anyone feel like I'm in the wrong then you can kiss my ass because I just don't give a fuck!

They had me fucked up, but they really just said how they truly felt though and I wasn't mad at 'em. I truly was not mad. I was actually happy. Everyone says the truth hurts, but I'm not hurting. I honestly just don't give a fuck. I don't even think I have a heart. I just laughed at them. I laughed 'til I cried. When I stopped laughing they were all looking at me crazy, even Ty.

"I thank you all for your honesty, I do. I take everything you guys said into consideration." I said sarcastically, but like always they couldn't tell the different, because this was how I talked. They wanted to put the spotlight on me, but I never once got out of character or repeated the shit they told me. I could've, but what type of person would I be?

"So that means we can be friends?" Gotti asked. I just bust out laughing.

"Friends? Haha...You must be out your damn mind if you ever think that I could ever be friends with y'all. I would never stoop that low." I turned to Dre, Mike, Quinta, and Brit. "But I will say this, have a great fucking life, 'cause when shit hit the fan just know I will be there with bells on, laughing. Now I bid you all a good day." I said, sliding my shades on and walking away. I knew Ty was following me or his ass would've been shit out of luck.

They gone need me before I need them. Mark my words.


Shit has really hit the fan for sure!

Mel still keeping their secrets. Would you keep their secrets if you were in Mel position?

Why wasn't Ty saying anything?

Why do you think they waited 'til now to say something to Mel?

Trixs got common sense I see.

This is why Mel is mean now. You can't trust everybody.

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