Chapter 23

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Tyrese James

I got a call from my mom telling me all the shit Mel was saying about me and that the kids not being mine. She said Mel told her that she lied to me about them being mine and even showed her the real DNA test results. That pissed me off behind belief. I put my sperm in her and the doctor said it worked. I was there every step of the way, so how could she do me like this? I picked up my phone to call her. I'll be damn if I be a fool to any bitch.

"Yeah?" She answered the phone.

"What the fuck you said to my momma?!" I yelled.

"Nigga what?" She asked. I know she not playing dumb with me.

"My momma told me what you said to her today. I don't appreciate you bringing my momma into our business and then have the nerve to come at her like she some bitch out in the streets." I said.

"Tyrese I'mma tell you like I told your momma earlier today. If you feel like they not yours then step. Walk away, do you, fuck off. Don't worry about Kei, Kam, or Ky because I got them. I fucked for them. I do shit for them. Not you or the next bitch. So don't come at me like I'm some hoe or one of your friends from across the street. When you talk to me talk to me like you know your fucking place before I knock you in it." She snapped.

"Think about it though they probably not my kids anyway. You probably been fucking that nigga you with now for the longest." I said laughing. She laughed too.

"You absolutely right! They're not yours, they're mine, bitch." The line went dead.

I stared at the phone in disbelief. I can't believe she just said that after everything we been through. After everything we've been thru, this is how it all ends? Mel is my girl that nigga she call herself with can't do the things I do. Can't love her the way that I can. This was not how things were supposed to be.

"You straight?" Apples asked me. I shook my head.

"I'm good."

"You sure? Maybe I can help." She said rubbing my shoulders. I shrugged get off.

"Nah I'm good." I said and got up walking out the door. All this shit was going to hell. I wanted my girl back. My kids. I wish things were back to how they used to be.


I banged on Gotti and 'nem door. I was drunk off my ass and I was thinking about Mel and what we used to have. Everywhere I went I seen Mel. Being away from her and my kids were hell for me.

"Ty? What the hell?" I looked up and see ... Mel?

"Mel?" I slurred.

"Ty ... It's me ... Trixs." I smiled.

"Mel baby I-I missssssed yooooouuuu." I sang stumbling inside the house.

"Ty-" I cut her off.

"I lo-ovvvve you, Mellllll. Please let me make l-love to - to youuuuuu." I said and then kissed her.

If only I knew this wasn't Mel, but Trixs the entire time.

Andy Raman

I was tired as hell from having to work overtime. All I wanted to do was get in bed and go to sleep and dream about Mel. Apples' plan was working at first, but now it just backfired for me. She got some wack ass nigga now. But I was going to deal with that on a later day. I was just too tired to be mad. I sighed cutting off the car and getting out. When I walked into our bedroom I instantly became mad.

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