Chapter 10: Threats

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Tadashi's POV

I picked her up off the ground. She had hit the door pretty hard on the back of her head. I pushed the door open and Aunt Cass came running over quickly.
"Oh, what happened here?!"
"A fight. We got into an argument and she hit the door. I'm taking her upstairs to care for her."
"Alright tell me if you need anything."

I carried her up the stairs and opened the door to mine and Hiro's room. He was on his bed reading a book on robotics. He looked up and saw her in my arms as I walked to my bed and set her down in it.
"What happened, Tadashi?"
"An accident. A fight, you could call it."
Just then, her phone buzzed. I pulled it out of her back pocket and clicked it on.

There were several messages, all unanswered. And several ignored calls to go along with that. When I looked at who they were from, I noticed a name that sent chills running through my spine. Juan. That's why. That's why she wouldn't tell me anything. She was afraid. But fear doesn't bring anger, does it? I don't think the type of fear she was experiencing did.

I read the messages. They were all threats. Threats. All towards me. I read the most recent text over and over again.

'If you don't come home within the next week, I promise to kill your beloved Tadashi. And we already know that that's a promise I will keep.'

I reread it several times over until Hiro finally took the phone from me and read them for himself. He looked at me, fear and anger filling his eyes. But his fear was different than Chántel's. Hers was fear of Juan. His was fear for my life. And I knew that I had to protect them both. Even if it cost my life. I knew I had to keep her safe and, just to be on the overprotective older brother side, I also had to keep Hiro safe. Double job.

I took her phone and set it on my nightstand. I looked over at her unconscious self. Her eyes were closed, they almost looked upset. But I noticed something more than the threats and the knot on the back of her head. She was wearing eye makeup. Mascara and eye shadow. Pink eye shadow. Her least favorite color was pink. What had happened to her before we saved her? She didn't look good. I feared for her safety. But now I feared for her life because she was changing. This wasn't right. I was losing my Chán. My beautiful Chán. I had just gotten her back! And now she was half gone. I let tears spill out of my eyes. They slipped down my cheeks and onto her pure face. I couldn't bear the thought of losing my girl. My girl. My Chántel Cruz.

Her phone buzzed. Another message from Juan. I opened it.

'I can't wait any longer, Chántel. I gave you a week, but I've decided to shorten it to a day. I'm coming to San Fransokyo. And if you tell anyone, ANYONE, I promise: you won't be given any leeway.'

I couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted to text him back so badly. But I didn't. I did something worse: I called him on my phone.

"Who is this?"
"This is Tadashi Hamada. And I'm here to tell you to stay away. She's unconscious right now and I saw the threats on her phone. I want you to stay away from San Fransokyo or else."
"Or else what? Are you going to send that marshmallow bot after me so he can check my medical condition? You better leave my wife alone. I don't want you anywhere near her."

Wife? Chántel isn't married. She would' She can't be. No! Not my.... I've lost her.

"She's not your wife. You never got married."
"So she didn't tell you. I forced her to sign the papers. It's all in the documents. We are married. And she did it for you. You should be grateful. She sacrificed her love for you to save your life. I told her not to go running but she did anyways. And I'm already on my way. You should've never gotten involved with her, Tadashi. You lost your life because of her. Consider yourself dead. Because I'm going to kill you."

Then he hung up. I sat on the bed next to my beloved Chán. It was too late. And she did it all for me. I let the tears stream down my cheeks and onto the photo. The photo of our first date. It seemed like yesterday. And now, I'd lost her. Lost her to a man who she didn't care for.

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