Chapter 6 : Waiting For Me

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Gianna Hyun's POV

I run to the school garden. I stop in the Garden then after I'm shocked for what I saw.



Its Kim Soo Hyun

He is walking towards me

He gave me a flower.

Curious of what I see?

When I came over here I see a poster of me and has a written words that I Love You Gianna!!!

And there is a table for two in the middle.

I really appreciate him for what he always sends to me. It will be romantic for me to have a date in the Garden.

Kim Soo Hyun : I thought you will not come here.

Gianna Hyun : Why would I not come here?

Kim Soo Hyun : Because I'm just your admirer and you will not have a time to come here and see me

Gianna Hyun : Your my admirer and I'm thankful of that because I know now that someone around me appreciate the things I have.

Kim Soo Hyun : Thank You Gianna you are so kind. Come on let's eat our lunch.

Gianna Hyun : Thank you for all of this

Kim Soo Hyun : Its nothing

He helped me seat and then he seat in front of me then we had a very long conversation.


Oh I didn't realize the time because Soo Hyun is so funny. He say corny jokes but I'm finding his corny jokes funny.

Gianna Hyun : Let's go Soo Hyun we will be late in our class

Kim Soo Hyun : Don't worry I excused us in our subject. I like to be with you just for this day. Please.

His cute in saying please.

Gianna Hyun : Ok

Kim Soo Hyun : Really? You are so really kind that's why I loved you

Gianna Hyun : No worries for that.

Kim Soo Hyun : So where do you wanna go?

Gianna Hyun : At the mall.

Kim Soo Hyun : Ok. I will drive

Gianna Hyun : Ok

Then he drive to the mall.

When we got there we eat then I go shopping at ZioZia and I see that he is a model of this clothing brand.

I go to the Yishion and Rounge & Lounge. I love their bag and clothes.

Then after that we went to the arcade. Its very fun there because I always win at him.

Kim Soo Hyun : Let's go now. Its already evening

Gianna Hyun : Ok. Thank uoi for reminding me

Kim Soo Hyun : Its nothing I'll drive you home

Gianna Hyun : No thanks I can handle it my self

Kim Soo Hyun : No I want to see you safe

Gianna Hyun : Thank you Ok you win you will drive me home

Then he smiled

We went to my car and I gave him the directions to my house.

Kim Soo Hyun : You lived at this village too?

Gianna Hyun : Yes. Why you lived here?

Kim Soo Hyun : Yes but I didn't see you here

Gianna Hyun : I don't go out of my house because I don't want too

Kim Soo Hyun : Ok thank you for today I have a lot of fun with you. Hope you enjoy being with me too

Gianna Hyun : Yes I really appreciate it

Kim Soo Hyun : I will always be here make you happy whenever you are sad. Always remember I'll always wait for you

Then I enter the gate and go at the house

I saw Ji Eun at the sofa

She looked at my way and ran to me

Lee Ji Eun : Where have you been? Who's with you? What happen to you? I thought you've been kidnapped! You made me worry!

Gianna Hyun : Wait stop. Come with me at my room I will tell you everything. Stop asking questions

Lee Ji Eun : Ok

Then we go to my room then we sat at the bed and start saying what happen to me he just listening then when I ended my story she jump at my bed

Gianna Hyun : Could you please stop jumping!

Then she stop

Lee Ji Eun : Sorry, I just can't hide my feelings for what I heard he's waiting for you.

Gianna Hyun : Yeah your right. He is willing to wait for me no matter what.

Lee Ji Eun : Remember don't fall too fast cause you don't know what will happen and its possible that you fall but don't fall too hard.

Gianna Hyun : I will always remember that.

Then I stand up

Gianna Hyun : Ji Eun go home now its already late

Lee Ji Eun : Ok. Byee

Gianna Hyun : Bye see you tomorrow.

Then she leave

Tomorrow will be a big day. Wondering who will be my partner at the series of SBS

Hope I can have new friends at that series.

Then now I already know that I already sleep.

Good day to me because I met him and he made me happy. :))))

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