Chapter 29 : Waiting With The Rain

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Gianna Hyun POV

I'm here at my condo the whole day I don't attend class because I will see Soo Hyun and that can't help me move on from him

*Ding* *Dong*

I open the door and saw Taeyeon my cousin and we go inside my condo

She hug me and then I cry

Taeyeon : Gianna just cry maybe it can lessen the pain

Gianna Hyun : I thought he love me but why he is with Dara

Taeyeon : Just let go your feelings I'm always here to listen

Gianna Hyun : Thank you Taeyeon

Then I just cry and say to her my feelings

Taeyeon : Are you sure your okay? I can sleep here with you

Gianna Hyun : I'm fine taeyeon thank you I feel comfortable now

Taeyeon : Okay I will go now take care of yourself Gianna many people love you and will love you

Gianna Hyun : Thank you for always being there beside me

Taeyeon : What are cousins for?

Gianna Hyun : Thanks go now it's evening take care

Taeyeon : Okay bye take care of yourself

Then she go I remember what she said earlier

"Don't cry and move on if they saw you crying they will know your weak. Show them that your strong"

I have to be strong because if they see me weak they will hurt me

But before that I have to know what is the reason behind all of these and why he is doing this to me.

Every move we make has a reason so maybe he has a reason why he is doing all of this.

*The Day After*

I woke up early because I will wrote a letter for him

Dear Soo Hyun,

Soo Hyun can we please meet at the tree house in the the park? Please I just want to know why all of these is happening and I know all of the answer I have to know has to come from you.

I admit now that I love you but why when I know that I love you this will come to happen to us. Please explain to me how come Dara is your fiance. I know I don't have a right to ask you this because I'm just nobody but please answer my questions.

Please come. I will wait for you there after class. I will wait for you everyday if I have to. I love you Soo Hyun please come. :(


I hope he will come and explain to me everything that will happen

I put it in my bag then I go to school and put the letter in his locker

I go to my class and after we go to the cafeteria and I hate to see Soo Hyun with Dara but I have to be strong because I know it will give happiness to him what I mean is I sacrifice my feelings for his happiness but he have to explain all of this to me even though we are not in a relationship

After school I go to the park and go to the tree house and seat then I just watch the cars in the city

I waited for him for about an hours and it's already evening but I waited for him

I hope he will come then a tear fell from my eyes then it rain

I just cry with the rain and I'm very wet because the tree house has broken roof so if you stay here and it's raining you will get wet but I waited for him but the rain won't stop

After hours I decided to go home and when I look back before getting into my car there is still no one

But maybe he will go tomorrow or another day I don't have to lose my hope be strong Gianna

When I go to my condo I drink a hot chocolate drink because I'm cold

I will wait for him forever if I have to. Just explain all of this and I have to know if he still loves me because I will not lose hope that he will be with me if he tell me that he loves me

I watch television just to relax my self for a minute then I go to my bedroom and get ready for sleep when I look at the mirror my eyes are reddish maybe because I cry and my face look haggard because of him. He is giving me problem but even though he give me problems I still love him that's why I face the problems he is giving to me

After that I rest because tomorrow I have to face the problems I have to face


What will happen to them? Why Soo Hyun didn't showed up?

Thank you for reading this story

Sorry for a short UD

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